Saving "US"

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Saving “US”

Our story was special; we both knew it was,

We met, fell in love and built the unbreakable “US”,

Together, we created a never-ending bliss,

Apart, we both knew it’s “US” whom we missed,

We believed and held on to forever,

We knew that our love was all that really mattered,

You’ve given me every piece of you,

I’ve given you every piece of me too,

But then one day everything fell suddenly,

The word ‘forever’ became a mystery,

We both had the same cuts-- the same pain,

But we didn’t know who’s to blame,

Until we decided to heal ourselves apart,

And wait til’ the wounds turned to scars,

Years after what happened we unexpectedly met inside a bus,

Our eyes met and in an instant we realized,

It’s never too late to save—


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