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He told me once

about memories,

How they stay

in our heads

like an animated history,

He said

they never fade

like photographs do,

He said

they were

never forgotten

no matter how blue,

He said memories

could do magic alone,

They could open

a wound

left stitched,

left closed.

They could dig up

a pain left buried,

buried deep,

They could also

revive ĺove

that once died,

They could

give you answers

to your what's, how's,

when's and why's.

"Memories are beautiful."

he said, his charcoal eyes

gazing down at me.

"Specially, this."

he added,

smiling ever so lightly.

Now, I realized.

He was right.

Because I remembered

him and his words.

And never will I stop remembering.

Never will I forget.


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