Love This Dangerous

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Bright lights blind me
as sounds start to explode,
The air smells of sweat
and thick with cigarette smoke, 
Bodies touching-- skin to skin
I see you staring
as you flash me a grin,

Laughters grow louder
They echo on these walls,
Shoes and heels start shaking
Every inch of this floor,
I see you walk towards me,
and now we're running in a blink,

Faces flash in a blur
Sound on the stereos begin to fade,
Feet burning with the rush
Lungs breathing a new set of air
I hear you laughing beside me,
And my heart does the same,

In this quiet town we run
under the lights of the far away moon,
We lie down on the pavement
because we think it's cool,
We do night drives to nowhere
until we are lost like crazy fools,

They said having you is just so wrong,
And staying with you is a huge mistake,
But in my eyes you are right for me,
I don't even care what people say,
Maybe this love is dangerous,
But with you, I am a synonym of brave.

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