Chapter 45

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Wolfe lifted Annjelica into his arms and carried her as a father would a small sleeping child. Alex walked by her husband’s side. Wolfe could not help noticing the smile on his wife’s face. Her eyes sparkled and she seemed to be so alive again now that Annjelica was back. Holding his daughter close like this made his heart sing too.

They hadn’t gone far when Annjelica opened her eyes and spoke, “Father please may I ride on your back?”

Wolfe was surprised by her request as she hadn’t ridden on him since she was a child and now she was all grown up, his child in the body of a woman now. How four weeks had changed her. Her sleepy voice squeezed in between his thoughts, “Father please, will you let me ride?”

Wolfe put her slowly onto her feet and Alex slipped her arm around her waist while Wolfe proceeded to shape shift. As he shook his head roughly his head began changing shape and then his shoulders shook forming the powerful front legs and finally his torso and tail. A large black wolf with amber eyes now stood in the place where the human Wolfe once stood.

Annjelica ran her fingers through his fur and Alex helped her climb onto her father’s broad back and held her steady till she felt secure and confident to not need Alex holding onto her. Annjelica leant forward resting her chest and face on her father’s soft fur. Wrapping her arms around his neck she curled her fingers into his fur and whispered into his ear, “Run Father run like the wind.”

Wolfe felt a thrill of energy rush through his body as if his limbs were being commanded by another source and took off at a gallop towards the castle.  He could not recall ever running this fast and felt as if his paws never touched the ground, but rather ran through the air. He hardly felt the weight of his daughter on his back and for an instant he wondered if she was still there or had she fallen off in his unexpected speed. But then for the first time since she was born he heard her thoughts.

‘I am still here Father. I won’t let go. Faster Father, run faster, run with your heart not your mind.’

‘I don’t think I can run faster Annjelica. I’ve never run this fast before.’ Wolfe spoke to her telepathically for the first time ever.

‘Let go Father, feel my strength and run with your heart.’

For the first time in forever he let go of his doubts and realism and opened his heart and was astounded to find his feet barely touched the ground as his speed became one with the wind and his thoughts blended in time with Annjelica’s. He barely noticed the way his body swerved around trees and jumped over boulders as he ran towards the castle carrying his daughter home.

Arriving at the gates Wolfe realized he wasn’t even breathless and couldn’t believe he’d run that fast all the way without feeling just a little out of air.

Father, Vampuric waits for us inside.’

No sooner had her thoughts reached her father when Vampuric came running out to greet them.

‘Annjelica stay with Vampuric while I rush back for your mother.’

Annjelica nodded and walked forward to greet Vampuric, “Hello Vampuric.”

Vamp shook his head, “Such a formal greeting Annjelica. Where’s the fun child I knew that would rush up and give me a hug, who use to hug my knees when she was just a tiny tot.” He said emphasizing how tall she used to be when she was little by placing his hand by his knees.

“I cannot stay a child forever Uncle Vamp.” She leant forward and kissed Vamp on each cheek and he immediately wrapped her in a big bear hug.

“Annjelica you smell different. Oh wow, what is that smell.”

“I can’t smell anything. I rode on Father’s back in his animal form, maybe that’s what you can smell.”

“No it’s not Lycan. It’s a smell I’ve never encountered before. Not Vampire, Lycan or even Human. What are you now Annjelica? Your heart still beats and your blood runs warm. Sadly you’re not Vampire, but somehow I don’t think you’re Lycan either, or human, so what are you?”

“I am all of these and none of them.”

Vamp looked confused, “Explain please. You might as well practice on me, as you will soon be facing the Vampire Elders and those of the Lycans. We have waited eighteen long years for this moment and now you tell me you are not Lycan, Vampire or Human …. So what then?” He asked scratching his head.

“I know there is much resting on my shoulders, but when the time is right I will show you all and not just tell you.”

From behind her Alexandria spoke, “Vamp, I know you’re impatient as I’m sure everyone is to know about Annjelica, but it’s only right we wait till all Elders of both families are brought together to witness our daughter’s abilities. Send word to your Elders and Wolfe will notify the Lycan Fathers to arrange a meeting here in the castle where Annjelica will address you all together.”

“Alex, you speak as though you already know all there is to know about Annjelica.” Vamp quizzed her but all he got in reply was a smile.

Vamp, my brother, you and I are in the dark and it appears the ladies here share a secret. Come let us notify the Elders, that Annjelica has returned and a week from today she will address them all together here in the castle.”

“Wolfe, my brother, why can’t we have this meeting on Vampire grounds in my family’s home?”

“Vamp, this is Annjelica’s home, why would she want to display her powers anywhere else. Here in the castle walls she is safe and secure. This is her home and this is where it will take place.”

Vampuric shrugged his shoulders and just as he turned to leave a voice entered his head.

‘I know you had hoped your blood would be the controlling factor in my change. I will always be grateful to you for saving my mother’s life and enabling me to be born. Although your blood runs strong in my veins it is only part of who I am now.’

Vamp stood rooted to the spot until Annjelica’s voice left his mind. She had never spoken to him telepathically before, nor did he know he would ever be capable of hearing her thoughts. This was something new and oddly reassuring. He turned round slowly and looked at her, really seeing her for the first time that day. She was no longer a child, but a woman of outstanding beauty who wore an aura of powerful strength. He instinctively gave a little bow before saying goodbye and leaving the room.

Even though Annjelica was his daughter, Wolfe too felt as if he was in the presence of greatness and seeing Vampuric give her that slight bow, he knew this had to be true. His daughter was more powerful than they expected. He’s already felt her strength when she’d wrapped her arms around his neck speaking through his mind to his heart setting him free to run like the wind.

“Our daughter needs to rest now Wolfe to regain her strength before she faces the Council of our two families. She has been through so much and now in the safety of our home she must rest while we watch over her and make the necessary arrangement to receive our guests.”

“Father when you contact the Council Fathers of our family tell them not to be concerned the truce we have with the Vampires will not be broken while I am alive. Although Vampire blood flows strongly through my veins, it is not my controlling force. My ultimate strength comes from all the elements of the earth combined with the blood of Vampire, Lycan and Human.” 

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