Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Louis and Eleanor's Apartment

~Song Eyes On Fire by Blue Foundation~


We were on our way to Louis and Eleanor's apartment or flat as Harry said. Hahaha he was so sweet. When we were out people were staring at Julia. It was so weird, and then it got weirder because we found a magazine that had Harry walking into Julia and I's hotel and then Niall going in with Julia then coming back out with Harry later. The title said 


So stupid. I'm not mad, but still I felt bad that the boys couldn't be left alone for one night. It must be so annoying to have people knowing what's going on in your life 24/7......

"Wait, we'll probably be in the tabloids won't we?" I asked.

"I actually haven't really thought about that...I guess we will be why?" Julia answered me.

"I dunno. I don't know if I have a problem with that or not..."

Lily joined in.

"Don't worry about it you guys! Trust me it's really not all that bad. I mean the twitter stuff can get annoying, but honestly most girls don't hate and the ones that do are usually told off by everyone else! And on all the tabloids just as long as you know it's not true and if people ask you about it just say you shouldn't believe everything you read! Hahaha because you really shouldn't!!"

Lily had good points. I'm sure I'd be able to handle it. And I was used to dealing with all the bitches at school. And Julia would always be there to stick up for me and I would always be there for her. And if Harry would be there too I'm sure it'd all be fine.

We arrived at the apartment. I was so nervous. I really wanted everyone to like us. I know they had already met Lily so she didn't have to worry about them. Julia and I both gace each other a worried look. Lily noticed.

"Hahahaha chillax you guys! Everything will be fine. If Harry and Niall love you, these guys will too!!" 

She said it as she smiled a sweet girly smile. Lily had something to her that just made you like her instantly. Can't tell you what it was but I was glad I had her as a friend she always reassured me that everything would be okay.

We walked in and went straight to the elevator. Lily pressed number 9. Hahahaha wow my lucky number I thought. Maybe that was a good sign! We got to level 9 and walked to the left. We stopped in front of apartment 232. Julia squeezed my hand.

"Ready?!" She whispered. 

I just nodded my head in reply. Okay I know this really was nothing to be nervous about but oh my God I am dying inside. Knowing me I'll probably do something very clumsy or awkward.

Lily knocked on the door and I heard a guys voice. Louis.

"Who is it?!"

You could tell his voice from anyones. And instantly I giggled. Hearing him talk in person was so funny to me. 

Lily replied, "It's us!! The girls!!"

He opened the door. Oh my God. Louis Tomlinson. I don't know if it was the nervous fit I was having or if I truly thought he was funny but I burst out giggling at him.

"What's so funny?" He asked intently.

I immediately went red. I don't know what was so funny. I was so nervous. 

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