The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [5]

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Reed P.O.V


Eli was starting on me again. And this time I was in no mood to put up with his shit. I mistakenly seem to have broken up with Jack; I had no best friends, no friends and even my roommates were being weird with me, even Theo had stopped messing with me! I was thinking maybe I should go back home for the weekend, see my sister…

Flash back (3 days earlier)


I watched Jack from the corner of my eye as he spoke on the phone, I could see the panic in his face and read it in the way his lips were moving. Grace leaned towards me smiling. I smiled back pretending to listen to what she was saying. I was only talking to her to make Jack jealous, and I could see that it had worked.

He did still like me, so why had he greeted me like any of his boys and not like a boyfriend. Was I over reacting? Or was Jack going to start denying me in front of others, was he ashamed of me again? Was this going to be like high school all over? I hoped not, because I barely made it through high school alive. I didn’t want to have to do that again.

I flirted with Grace for a little longer, the music was turned up and fresh drinks were laid out, and slowly more of our dorm started to arrive. When Hayden turned up, I knew something was up with Jack. They looked around as if checking to make sure no one was following them before they walked out the flat. I excused myself from Grace and followed them.

They were walking down the corridor arguing in hushed tones. They walked round the corner and I heard them stop moving. I pressed my back against the wall straining my ears to hear what they were talking about.

“Jack, you have to trust me on this one, it will work” Hayden urged.

“And what if I lose him?” Jack countered.

“Then at least Reed would be safe, and you could go on with your life knowing that you protected him”

“But then I’d be going on with my life with out him”

“Jack you’re being selfish, let him decide don’t decide for him. He might not even leave you”

“If you were him, would you leave me” I could hear the flat placid tones in Jack’s voice. I could imagine the brilliant poker face he would be using to put his point across.

“Jack, Reed deserves to know, I think you should tell him”

I stepped out from my hiding spot, they looked at me shocked, clearly they had no idea I was listening in. “Tell me what Jack?” I asked my voice calm and open, I wanted to give him a chance and be honest with me.

He exchanged a look with Hayden “Errr… errrm… tell you that I’m collaborating with Theo so I’ll be spending a lot of time with him?”

The way he worded it made it sound like a question and not an answer. “That was not what you guys were talking about”

“Yes it was”

I sighed “Jack I’m always honest with you, and if you cant be honest with me, then this relationship isn’t going to work” I shook my head sadly and walked off. I expected him to come after me or to tell me the truth but he didn’t do either, he just let me walk away.

End of flashback


The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now