The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [26]

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Hayden P.O.V

"I am so disappointed in you Hayden" my mum started again. Honestly who called her and told her I was in hospital? "If you were having money troubles you could have called me, I could've helped you. I'm so angry you kept all this a secret from me!"

In my head I rolled my eyes "I'm sorry ma I just didn't want to upset you"

"And if you had been shot and killed in New York, then what?"

"Look I'm in California the police are on the look out for De Rossi and I'm alive nothing else matters"

She started playing with my hair again as she sat on the edge of my hospital bed.

"I never understood why you wanted to move to California in the first place, you never mentioned leaving New York before. But now I know... your brother kept telling me it was because you were gay with Jack" she said giggling.

"Get outta here," I said laughing "Me gay? I like breasts to much for that"

"Oi, watch yourself young man"

My mum smiled down at me. I could see in her face how worried she was about me; I knew she wasn't going to leave me alone in California anytime soon. There was a knock at the door and a disgruntled nurse came in.

"Leah Johnson is here for like the millionth time" she said threw gritted teeth.

"Who is that girl Hayden why do you keep turning her away?" my mum asked suspiciously.

"She's no-one a friend, she's gay," I said hurriedly to my mum, I looked at the nurse "Tell her I don't want to see her"

"Just see her please, she's getting on my nerves and I'm already 12hours into my 10hour shift. Please just get her out of my hair"

I chuckled, typical Leah. I nodded to the nurse and she smiled in relief. She left the room and seconds later the door flew open and a furious Leah stood there, a menacing scowl on her face. She barged threw the door charging straight for me.

"How could you? How could you almost get yourself killed? How could you do this to me you asshole? I should strangle you, you little weasel"

My mum cleared her throat and Leah's head snapped to look at her. I saw her face darken as she realized we weren't alone. My mum stood up and approached her with her hand out.

"Hi, I'm Ms. Snow, Hayden's mum. Are you his girlfriend?"

Leah shook her hand "Oh hi Ms. Snow, I'm Leah. No I'm not his girlfriend, I'm his erm... friend sort of. I'm so sorry you had to witness that I didn't mean it, I wont strangle your son"

My mum chuckled "Well if you don't I will. What my son did was completely irresponsible and selfish"

Leah nodded in agreement. She looked at my face; I looked down at the sheets whilst she analyzed me. I looked like shit; I had cuts and bruises all over my face, horrible purple and black splotches on my body. I didn't feel like myself, like this I felt weak, less confident. I didn't want Leah to see me like this. I heard her walk forward and she put her hand on my chin making me look at her.

"Jack and Reed told me everything. You were extremely brave Hayden, and loyal, both qualities that I really respect. A little bruising and a few scars don't change anything. You're amazing in more ways than one" her eyes twinkled and I knew she was talking dirty.

"Amazing yeah?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Super doper overly amaze-balls fantastic"

I laughed, feeling better. She knew how to cheer me up all right. I did enjoy the time we spent together, it was a shame how messy things had gotten between us I regretted the things I said to her. I patted the bed next to me and she sat down. My mum stood up then scooting out the way.

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