The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [25]

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Eli P.O.V

I left Reed with that Hayden guy, it felt so wrong walking away and doing nothing. Not only was I a bad friend, but also I was a terrible teacher. I should have never allowed myself to get to close and attached to a student not after the last one. I got in my car and headed back to campus I had a terrible sick feeling in my stomach.

I couldn't continue marking these papers I was an adult I had to put a stop to this. I raced out of my office I saw some of my other students from different years I nodded at them and continued running. I got in my car and drove to town. I pulled up outside the police station.

What the hell was I doing, letting a bunch of teenagers try and sort this out by themselves? I was a grown ass man. I stepped in the station and approached the desk. The woman behind the desk looked up at me.

"Hi, how can I help?" she asked.

"I want to report a crime, a soon to be murder"

She gasped and picked up the phone speaking into it quickly. Some detectives came out and ushered me into a room. It was just like the movies, a desk in the middle, a one-way glass mirror and cameras in the corner. It was exciting. I sat down and the detectives sat opposite me.

"What's your name?" the taller one asked me. He had dark blond hair it was like a dirty blonde.

"Eli Stark. I am a lecturer at CU"

"How do you know about this murder? Are you involved? Are you the killer?"

I rolled my eyes as if. I prayed Reed would understand why I have to do what I'm doing. There were so many lives at stake I had to get the police involved; they were going to get murdered otherwise.

"A student of mine confided in me, about a situation which has spun out of control"

"What's this student's name?"

"Reed Sparrow"

The woman officer had been silent the whole time; she walked around looking at me intensely. I couldn't tell what she was thinking; did they think I was making this up?

"Tell us what is this situation?"

"Well my student Reed is dating this older guy, Jack. Jack and his friends, Hayden and Jason, owe some very bad people money..." I paused I wondered if I should tell them about the drugs or if that would just get the boys into trouble. I decided not to say anything.

"Go on" the tall officer urged.

"Jack owed money to some bad people from New York. You know the loan shark types. Anyways last year Jack was attending university in New York and he and his friends borrowed money. Now one of Jack's friends, Jason, couldn't pay the money back so... so the shark loan killed him, Jack and Hayden witnessed it. They transferred university to CU to escape him, as he's been trying and threatening to kill them and everyone they know, but it turns out the shark loans daughter is going to CU"

I stopped and looked between the officers wondering if they were taking what I was saying seriously. The woman had her notepad out and was jotting a few things down. I didn't know if this was good or bad, so I carried on talking.

"Anyway the shark loan tracked the boys down and kidnapped Hayden. Now my student Reed is a very talented artist had a massive exhibition made a lot of money. He withdrew money to pay off the shark's loan and sort of gave it to his boyfriend Jack. But Jack thinks his friend Hayden is also dead so he's gone to the shark loan to use that money to pay for Reed's freedom. However his friend Hayden has escaped so now Reed and Hayden have gone to save Jack. They're all going to die unless we do something to save them. The shark loan wants to kill them as they're the only witnesses to Jason's death"

The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now