The Wandering Hero ENDED!!!

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Okay... I have come to a difficult decision regarding this story. After nearly five months of me being busy and hitting writer's block I decided to end the current version of this story. I went back and re read old chapters hoping to pull myself out of the block but I ended up seeing a problem. I didn't mean to but I focused more on OC's than the reader which was not my original intention. I believe this is why I have a bunch of issues writing this story. I know some people may not mind but it bothered me so much I can't look past it. So I made my decision.

At some point in the future I will be rewriting this story from the ground up. I'm going to do this to remove what I see as issues with the story as a whole. This won't be for awhile since I don't want to write on it until its had time to simmer in my head for awhile. Then I will be making a new outline for myself to follow which again could take awhile. So I'm sorry to say this story is done in for now. I know this is a let down to allot of you but if I continued i'd be forcing myself and the story would suffer greatly. I hope you all can understand and again I am so sorry this happened but it wasn't my intention. It won't be the first time I had to delete/abandon a idea due to it not panning out but it still sucks.

I'm still going to be writing one shots and I also have a blog on tumblr where I write headcanons though that has been inactive due to school. So yeah.... That's it. Again I am so sorry about this but This story is just done for me until I get the time to remaster it. The original will stay up but it won't be updated. If you're upset understand but I just can't force myself to work on it as it is now. Again I am so sorry. And to any new readers that find this... I know how frustrating it can be to find an unfinised story and I want to apologize. But at least it won't be left in the dark for you to wonder what happened and if this story will be updated.

Again I am sorry and I love you all. Thanks for sticking with me.


The Wandering Hero. Asami X Male Reader (Marked For Rework)Where stories live. Discover now