Chapter Twenty Five: Ba Sing Se

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(Asami's POV)

We're leaving Zaofu and heading straight for Ba Sing Se. We need to free the Air benders Hou has imprisoned there not to mention the Red Lotus have been sighted but no one can confirm it. Last night was rough on the three siblings... New siblings. Lin said Aquaris cried herself to sleep that night and when she woke up she was attached to (M/n) at the hip. Korra stayed the night with Connor. She said that Connor is scared of something he felt. Hatred. True hatred for his father. My father is a bad man but... Those three's is far worse than I would care to think about. I didn't stay with (M/n) due to his request but he's not doing much better. His normal smile is replaced with a sad yet thoughtful look. We left Zaofu a few hours ago and (M/n) has his arm around Aquaris as she sleeps against him. She must've stayed up a good amount of the night crying into Lin's shoulder. (M/n) is telling the others exactly what Kasai said so we can understand better.

Mako: "So... Your mother and Connor's were just... What? Sows to breed the best warrior he could?" Mako asked sounding disgusted. (M/n) sighed deeply and gently rubbed Aquaris' arm before nodding to confirm Mako was right.

Korra: "That's more or less what Connor said to me yesterday as well... I knew Kasai was bad but... Damn." Korra said shaking her head. Mako and Bolin nod in agreement and (M/n) sighs deeply once more.

You: "You're telling me... I still think killing Connor's mother in front of him as a seven year old was the worst of it." (M/n) said as he closed his eyes and shakes his head. I have to agree with him on that.

Korra: "Yeah... He says he remembers the look in his mom's eyes before he was ferried away... He said she the look told him to run." Korra said sounding very sad almost as if she could cry. She takes a breath to compose herself though. (M/n) doesn't reply. I guess he just doesn't know how to properly.

Asami: "We just need to stay strong... I think Connor would hate it if this affected all of us to." I said looking at everyone. Mako and Bolin agreed with me but Korra couldn't. I guess it's not the same if you're very close friends. I place a hand on her back. "I know what you want Korra. Go. We'll tell you when we get to the city." I said with a small smile. Korra look at me and I nod. Me and (M/n) know what she's feeling for Connor even if she doesn't want to admit it. Korra then walks off to what I can assume is Connor's room. Mako and Bolin leave to talk to Lin so I sit next to (M/n) and lean into his other side.

You: "Despite my anger towards Kasai, I don't want Connor to kill him." (M/n) said as he glanced at Aquaris' sleeping form. I'm not too surprised considering what killing Kasai could do to Connor.

Asami: "That's a good thing... Killing someone should be the last resort you have to turn to." I said kindly as I hugged onto (M/n)'s arm. The look on his face tells me that my reason isn't exactly why he doesn't want Connor to kill Kasai.

You: "No it's not that... Sure killing shouldn't be the go to method that's true. Hat I'm more worried about is why Connor would kill him... Vengeance changes a person... And we both know someone that it changed for the worse." (M/n) said as he looked at me. His eyes had a great amount of sadness and worry it them. Asami nod in agreement. It did twist my father's view on people in the end.

Asami: "True... Do you want me to help you get Aquaris to bed?" I asked him kindly with a smile. He shook his head no and leaned back a bit.

You: "I'm not moving until she wakes up... She needs her sleep." (M/n) said as he looked at Aquaris. He's really taking that 'big brother' roll to heart isn't he. I lean into his side more to relax. "I'm a popular pillow." (M/n) joked somewhat. That makes me giggle.

Asami: "What can I say, You're firm yet soft and warm." I said with a smile as I nuzzled into his side. He chuckled and moved his arm so I can get more comfortable. I close my eyes to relax but soon feel something being draped over us. I open one eye and see (M/n) has pulled the blanket from the arm chair for us. Oh no. I feel a nap coming on. I yawn a bit and wrap an arm around his back and place my head on his chest. I look up and still see that sad look in his eyes. I then smile. "You're going to make me sleep (M/n)." I said as another yawned escaped my lips. He gave me his normal smile and shrugged a bit.

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