Chapter One: The Wandering Hero

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(F/c) = Favorite Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(E/c) = Eye Color
(F/n) = First Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(M/n) = Main Or Preferred Name

(Third POV)

A man is doing a slight dance as he walks down the rocky path that heads to Republic City. This man is at least six feet in height and has (H/l) (H/c) hair and (E/c) Eyes. He's currently singing a song to himself. Well not only himself but we'll get to that. He's singing a song his cousin wrote for him. He considered it his theme song and this wandering man named it 'Coolest'. This man was about to meet a group of people that would quickly become his friends... And one would become someone he would deeply care for.

(Your POV)

I was walking along this brown rock path as I look at the slowly approaching Republic City. This has been my life since I was banished from my village. My cousin and grandma tried to stop the council from doing so but it was futile. It's okay though. I've met many people and can still go visit from time to time though I haven't seen my cousin or my grandma since he went to train with my hero Lord Zuko. They didn't get to say goodbye but I couldn't be prouder of my cousin. I am currently singing my theme song my cousin Connor wrote me.

You: "You'll never phase you can't bring me down... Clear the way. Now I get the stage. Stay out the way. What's so great about him? You know the answer its show time!" I smile as I am singing but an all too familiar voice stops me.

(???): 'Could you stop please? I love that song to but between you singing it for the tenth time and your horrid voice I can't take it.' The voice said faking exhaustion. I roll my eyes and stop. If I could sneer at him, I would but he was inside me in a way.

You: (In thought): 'You're just jealous I can sing out loud Hercule.' I say I my head in a smartass tone of voice. I hear the voice fain being hurt and then just chuckle. I chuckle with him.

(Hercule): 'Aw don't be upset little (M/n). Do you want a cookie?' He asks while laughing. I smile and roll my eyes.

Hercule was a spirit that was within me. Only I could hear him and as A result many people assumed I either had an imaginary friend or was crazy. Not wrong I guess. He does drive me crazy sometimes. Apparently I was born dead or near death. A spirit saw that and entered my body to save me. Ever since then I could always hear this spirit. He had no name so I named him after a famous fighter I looked up to as a kid named Hercule. He was a strong and rather nice man that gave me a necklace he wore. I smile as I touch it. It's nothing more than a lightning bolt but still.

You: (In Thought): 'I could go for a cookie actually.' I said nodding to myself. Hercule bursts into laughter at that. I smile wide as I continue walking.

Despite his jackass nature, Hercule, has always been someone I could talk to. He's very wise despite his, brutish, nature. I'm half tempted to sing again but I could almost hear him groan in my head. I chuckle at the that. I start thinking of my cousin... Well he's not my real cousin he was a kid I was friends with. His father died for a foolish cause and my grandma took him in. We grew up together. He defended me to the teeth when our town through me out. I appreciate the sentiment of that. Though them throwing me out was stupid. The kid didn't die but he would have if I didn't do what I did. I sigh deeply at the thought. I'm usually pretty upbeat as a person but I still have my moments.

(Hercule): 'Stop thinking about it too much. You know you did the right thing.' I heard Hercule say in my head in a calming tone he rarely uses. I nod after taking a breath.

You: (In Thought): 'You're right as always.' I regain my smile. 'Though I wonder how they are doing.' I say in my head. I hear him hum in response.

The Wandering Hero. Asami X Male Reader (Marked For Rework)Where stories live. Discover now