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Four months later, Rhett and I bought a house together.

It was big and yellow. I hated the color, but Rhett loved the place so much, I couldn't persuade him. 

It was only five minutes away from work, which was convenient considering how much time we actually spent there.

The place was way bigger than we needed, but Rhett told me it was worth it. I believed him.

We packed up what we would actually need from both our places, then gave the rest to charity.

It took us all day to get everything in the house. With all the snack breaks we were taking, it was hard to keep busy. But we managed and then it was so. Rhett and I had a house. It was ours.

It was special.

He carried me up the steps, into the bedroom, and laid me down on the bare mattress. We were surrounded by unopened boxes.

He gave me a wink, a smirk, then kissed my lips. 

He took me away to our planet. The one reserved for only him and I. It was beautiful.

We had such a good day that I couldn't help myself.

I asked him to marry me right then and there.

I didn't have a ring or a speech. All I could get out was, "Will you marry me?"

It was so sudden. We were just laying naked, after sex, breathing like elephants.

But I couldn't resist the urge. I was so in love, to the point that every time I looked at him, the rest of the world went blurry. He never failed to amaze me. He was so down to earth and ridiculous. He had always been mine, I had just never accepted it. Neither had he.

He was always the one who kept me safe and held me when I needed it most. He gave me the love that no one else could give. He saved my life and I was forever grateful. 

What we have is so much more than just a friendship. I've never loved anyone so deeply in my entire life. Rhett was undeniably the most remarkable human being I had ever had the honor of meeting, and then loving.

He was real and I wanted him to be mine forever.

The look on his face was priceless.

"What?" he asked.

I took a deep breath, "Marry me."

He sat up. He looked behind me, then to the floor, then back up to me. He smiled so wide, I thought his jaw might break.


Then we went for another round. It's just what we do.

Eventually, we stopped, and he glanced down taking in every inch of my body.

"They're gone."

I looked down too.

Not a scar in sight. 

I hadn't touched a match in so long. It felt good to be able to say that.

Rhett laughed, "They're gone."

I joined in. We both just laid there laughing like idiots. He kissed me and told me how proud he was of me and I couldn't do anything but fall more in love with him.

I knew I had made the right call.

I was always right when it came to loving Rhett.

He was the best decision I would ever make.

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