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Days after that seemed to drag on. Rhett and I started to argue more often. We fought. We began to walk away from each other when things got tough. Something Rhett and I never allowed ourselves to do.

I hated the idea of losing Rhett more than anything. He was so perfect. So precious to me, yet I could never treat him as well as he treated me. I was ashamed though I couldn't control the fact that I was becoming overly clingy. 

It happened slowly at first, and then all at once, I became attached at his hip. I followed his every move. I talked to him in every waking moment and at the time, I didn't see the problem. I didn't realize I was digging the hole that would eventually become a grave.

Rhett never told me to back down, so I figured he was okay with me being around all the time. I mean, I was his boyfriend.

But looking back on it, I would have done the same thing. If I were in Rhett's position, I wouldn't be able to say stop, you're tearing us apart. I would have stuck it out until the stitches became frail and the glue crusted over.

I would have been unhappy for the sake of confrontation.

But when Rhett did grow the balls to say, "Leave Me Alone," I wasn't willing to listen. I told him he was over exaggerating. I grew suspicious that Rhett wanted to make more time for a new man in his life, but that wasn't the case. It was never the case.

I was just dumb and careless.

I pushed away the only person who I thought I would never lose.

That following week, Rhett broke up with me. 

That week, everything changed.


Another update? What!

Thanks for reading you guys! Short chapter, I know. But we're getting to the good stuff.

I love you all!

Thanks for being your mythical best!

- Robin

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