Chapter 29

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"So I understand that the two of you have prepared your own vows." The both of us nod and turn to grab the sheets of paper from Sydney and Zeb. Jonah takes one of my hands and begins to read his vows. "My entire life has been other people making decisions for me. From my parents, to managers and agents. They would tell me what to sing, what to post, how to speak, who to date and who not to date. There were two decisions I made on my own though and they were the best of my life, the first was joining 'Why Don't We.'

He turns and sees the four boys fist bumping each other. "The other was falling in love with you. When I met you exactly 5 years ago today, I knew that I wanted to get to know you, so I got to know you. Then I knew that I wanted to date you, so I dated you. Then I knew that I wanted to open myself up to love you, and I did. And thank the lord, you let me. When we were forced apart, those were the longest four years of my life. But then, at another wedding, we found our way back to each other, this time with a few new additions."

He smiles at our girls and then turns back to me. "I love those girls, and the best thing about them is that they are half you. I waited those four years for you and I would've waited the rest of my life to get to this moment. I love you and I will love you every day, for the rest of my life." The tears are now just a steady stream down my face as I look down at the piece of paper in my hands.

I hand it right back to Sydney, who takes it and smiles. "I have written countless songs saying how much I loved, and even hated, you. But trying to write these vows was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Only because I can't explain how much I love you in just a few minutes. So I started thinking, I thought about what would have happened if Mattie didn't force me to go to Houston, to see a boy band that I'd never even heard of."

I see all five 'Why Don't We' boys chuckle and I look back at Mattie who mouths 'you're welcome' which causes me to chuckle myself. "I wouldn't have found a new band that was really good, still is. I wouldn't have met some of my best friends. And I wouldn't have met a cute 19-year-old boy who tried to impress me by inviting me backstage. The boy who would be my only boy. The only boy who saw my secret spot in the woods, the only boy to ever kiss me, the only boy who loved me even when I didn't love myself, and the only boy who ever made me feel truly beautiful.

I never believed in love, let alone true love. I thought soul mates were just words used to sell romance novels. Then, I spent four years missing you. I have loved you every day since our first date and I plan to love you every day for the rest of my life." I just want to grab him and kiss him, and I can see it in his eyes that he wants it too. It's a little abusive to make us wait after saying all that romantic stuff.

"Jonah. Do you take Hannah, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" "I do," and then he slides the wedding band on my finger. "Hannah. Do you take Jonah, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" I wipe a tear from my eye and slide the ring on his finger.

"Of course I do." "Well, by the power vested in me by the state of Louisiana. I now pronounce you husband and wife. Jonah, you may kiss your bride." He barely lets the priest finish before he grabs me and kisses me. The whole church applauds as we break the kiss and just stare at each other smiling. "I love you." My husband says to me. "I love you."

Jonah's POV

I'm sitting at the long table sipping on champagne watching my beautiful wife dancing with her brother. Wife. Wow. It feels good to give Hannah that title. I don't even notice I'm staring until Daniel sits next to me and claps a hand on my shoulder. "Hey man. How you feeling?" "Amazing. Look at her. Look at our girls. How could I not be?" "Trust me. I know. Sydney just found out she's pregnant."

I quickly turn my head and pull him into a hug. "Congrats man! That's amazing!" "Haha thanks. But we're not telling anyone yet. Didn't want to take the spotlight away from you and Hannah." "That's really nice of you Danny. Thanks." I see Hannah look up at me and smile. That smile always made my heart flutter.

Suddenly she's grabbed by Logan who is vlogging away. I smile at her and she winks at me. "Uh oh. Logan's got her." Daniel says downing his glass of champagne. "She'll be ok. She's starting to warm up to him again." "That's good!" Then we see Logan running over to us with his camera. "Ayyyoo Jonah. The married man! How do you feel?" "I feel great. Literally never been better." "So how does it feel that I am three years older than you and you are so much more of an adult than me. I mean you're married with two kids bro."

"Honestly, I'm not shocked bro." "Accurate. Very accurate." He high fives me and turns back to the camera. "Well congrats bro. All jokes aside I'm so happy you and Hannah ended up here. We all knew you would bro. Logang make sure to tweet #MrandMrsFrantzich. I would have said Marais, but Hannah told me that wasn't her name so. You married a feisty one bro." I look over and see her look up at me and smile.

"Go to her man. You don't get married every day." Daniel says standing and walking to Sydney, kissing her. I get up and walk to my own wife and kiss her. "You are so beautiful. Mrs. Frantzich." I say leaning my forehead on hers. "You know what Logan made me realize?" She said starting to slow dance with me. "What?" "Everyone's going to call me Hannah Marais." "Yeah, they are. Sorry." I say chuckling. She kisses me with a smile on her face.

The next day Hannah and I were at the airport with my mom and our two girls. "So I left a list on the fridge of their new routines. Doctors numbers are in the office. You obviously have my cell number. Um...what else is there?" She says looking at me. "Hannah, I think your mom can handle it." "I can. I did raise three kids." "I'm sorry I've just never been apart from them for more than a few hours." "We'll call you every day." Hannah's mom said taking the girls out of Hannah's hands.

Hannah immediately bends down to hug the girls. I crouch down to hug them too and then we're boarding the flight. "I'm just going to call mom really quickly." Hannah says pulling out her phone. I softly place my hand on her phone to stop her from dialing. "Babe, everything is going to be ok. Can we please just enjoy our honeymoon?" "You're right. I'm sorry." She reaches up and kisses me.

"I'm so in love withyou." I say as we part. "Good. Cause I'm so in love with you too." We spend the flight liking and retweeting pictures and tweets the fans were posting about our wedding last night. My hand finds my way to hers and our fingers get laced together. I turn and kiss her temple and just keep looking at her. "What?" she said turning and looking up at me. "Nothing." "Liar." "Seriously nothing." "Jonah you're blushing!" "Am I?" I said winking at her. "Hey guess what babe!" she says. "What?" "We're married! Like for forever." "I can't wait."

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