Chapter 8

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About 20 minutes later, Hannah and I are walking hand-in-hand through Times Square. I have to wear a disguise, so paparazzi or fans didn't recognize me. "So, tell me something no one knows about you." I say pulling her chair out for her at the café we just walked into. "Um, ok. I've technically planned my entire wedding and the chosen the names of my 3 children." "Oh, did you now?" "In my defense I had to do it for a class in high school. But I did take it very seriously." "Tell me these baby names." "Ok, so I really want two girls and a boy. For the girls I want Wyatt Elizabeth and Weslee Claire, and for the boy I want either William Aedan or Timothy William." "Timothy is my dad's name." I say smiling at her. "Wow, we continue to amaze me." I hold her hand from across the table.

We order and soon we're eating some of the best food I've ever had. "Mm this is so good." Hannah says rolling her eyes into the back of her head. "You're so beautiful when you do that." I say laughing. "I know." After breakfast Hannah is needed back at the hotel to brief with David and I have to go to the venue for sound check. We kiss each other goodbye and head in different directions.

Hannah's POV

I'm sitting in a meeting with David and other members of the staff as we get set for this press event. "So as soon as they leave the stage they are on the bus going straight to the airport." David says. "Hannah it's your job to make sure nothing and no one gets left behind." I nod and grab all the room keys to pack up the luggage left in the rooms. As I'm packing up the final room, the one that belonged to Daniel, Zach, and Jack, I get a text from David.

D- They're about to perform. You should be finishing the rooms soon correct?

H- Yes sir. Just finished Daniel's bag. Walking them all to the bus now.

D- Good.

I go to zip up Daniel's bag when I see his phone sticking out the side. I grab it to put in my purse when he gets a text. I'm not normally a snooper but when I saw who the text was from, I couldn't help myself. It was from Tatum. All it read was: 'Hey D. Do you know why Jonah isn't answering my calls? I miss his voice.' I felt my entire world shatter in that moment. I throw the phone into my purse and bring all the bags down to the bus.

I finally have everything loaded up when the boys are ushered from the venue and onto the bus. I climb in after them and go straight to my bunk, slamming my curtain shut. "Hey babe, you ok?" Jonah said pulling the curtain back a little. "I don't know. Why don't you ask Daniel?" I toss Daniel his phone and shut the curtain until we get to the airport.

Jonah's POV

"Hey babe, you ok?" "I don't know. Why don't you ask Daniel?" she tosses Daniel his phone and I grab it from him instantly. I read the text from Tatum that is still glowing on the screen. "Oh God. Hannah, I swear I'm not cheating on you." There was no answer which means she put her earbuds in. "God!" "What should I text her back?" "I don't know Daniel! Cause you can't tell her I have a girlfriend cause then that will expose Hannah. And she won't just go away without a real explanation." "She just texted me again, bro." Daniel said. He hands me his phone and I compose a text to her saying:

D- He got a new number. I won't give you the new one. He's happy now and you know that you two weren't.

T- Daniel, he said he wasn't single. There's no way he moved on that fast.

D- Well he did.

I hand the phone back to Daniel and put my earbuds in and stare out the window. After about an hour of traffic, we make it to the airport and Hannah walks past me not even giving me a sideways glance. I follow her off and she starts helping our staff unload all of the luggage and equipment. "Hannah can we talk?" I say to her, but she doesn't even look back at me. "Hannah? You grabbed my book sack, right?" Corbyn said running up to us. "Of course I did." She pulls it out the pile and hands it to him smiling.

"Hannah, this is ridiculous. Please talk to me." "What's there to talk about Jonah? You got what you wanted. You got in my pants and then made me look like an idiot. So, congrats! Go be with someone like you." Then she throws a jacket of mine that she had been wearing since our first date, right at my face and storms off into the airport.

Hannah's POV

I storm away from Jonah and tears start streaming down my face. I hear someone running after me, I turn around ready to snap at Jonah but instead see Daniel. He pulls me into a hug while I sob into his shoulder. "Let's get you cleaned up and we'll talk about it on the plane." He says wiping the tears from under my eyes. I nod and follow him to a unisex bathroom. He waits outside while I clean the makeup that has run down my face.

I walk out and then we walk together to the gate. Jonah keeps texting me and calling me even from 5 feet away from me as we wait for the plane to board. I put my phone on 'Do Not Disturb' and shove it in my bag. I turn to Daniel, "I'm gonna go get some coffee. You want anything?" "Just grab me a muffin maybe? Want me to come with you?" "Yes please." He stands up and we walk to the Starbucks together. After we get our drinks and food we sit at a nearby table and sit in a comfortable silence.

"I'm so glad we became friends." I say, "Because if this happened and we weren't, I'd be all alone." "About that. Can we talk about what happened this morning?" "There's nothing to talk about Daniel. He made me look like a complete fool." "Hannah, you don't know the whole story." "What is the whole story?"

"He and Tatum were talking for a while because both of our managements thought it was a good idea. Well then, Tatum started developing real feelings, but Jonah didn't. For a while, no one knew where they stood, and then Jonah met you and then we all knew. Tatum saw the livestream from New Orleans and took it as their confirmation even though he's changed his number and unfollowed her from everything. He's not cheating on you."

"Damn it." "What?""I'm the one who made me look like a complete fool." "Yeah a little bit." "I'm going to go find him." We stand up at the same time and I give him a tight hug. I run back to the gate and see Jonah sitting by himself with his earbuds in. I casually go and sit in the seat directly next to him. He pulls his earbuds out and turns to me. "Hey." He says still staring at the floor."Hey."

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