Chapter 14

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We deposit my check and make our way back to my empty apartment. "What are we doing back here?" Jonah asked as we walked into the living room. "I've kind of been writing you something." "You wrote me a song?" I nod and walk over to the closet and grab my guitar. I sit criss cross on the floor, he sits across from me and then I start to play.

I tried, on my own I thought I'd get there
Around and round
But I was only getting nowhere
Then you came along and gave me something
Something that I could believe in, trust in
And I won't go back again

As long as I have you
I can live like there's nothing left to lose
Unbreak every fracture in my heart
Nothing in this world could ever tear this love apart
They say you gotta take the good with the bad
I'll take it on as long as I have you
(As long as I have)

I've been spinning circles in this ocean
Stuck in my ways, but you put everything in motion
This time, I want you to see the real me
I wanna open up completely, deeply
I'll never be alone again

As long as I have you
I can live like there's nothing left to lose
Unbreak every fracture in my heart
Nothing in this world could ever tear this love apart
They say you gotta take the good with the bad
I'll take it on as long as I have you
(As long as I have)

And I realize now
I'm better with you
You got here right on time
Yeah, you were my breakthrough
You are my breakthrough

As long as I have you
I can live like there's nothing left to lose
Unbreak every fracture in my heart
Nothing in this world could ever tear this love apart
They say you gotta take the good with the bad
I'll take it on as long as I have you
(As long as I have)

"Hannah that was amazing." "I'm still working on a few of the lyrics but, yeah." "I love it." "I was maybe thinking of offering it to 'Why Don't We' for the next album." "But Hannah, that's your song. You should be the one singing it." "We talked about this Jonah. I'd rather be behind the stage than on it. Plus, now that I'm a manager, am I supposed to get a manager to promote me while I promote you? It's all too complicated."

"I don't know all the ins and outs of that kind of stuff but, I do know that the world needs to hear you." I put my guitar back in the closet. "I'm sorry baby. I loved the song, so much." "Thanks." He walks over to me and kisses me. "Let's go get you some new things, this apartment is becoming depressing." "Well that's just rude. I think it adds character."

Jonah's POV

Hours later, I'm back at the 'Why Don't We' house after Hannah told me she'd literally murder me if I ruined her vision. "Whoa, you're home early, everything alright?" Daniel said coming down the stairs. "Yeah, great actually. She wrote me a song." "She's a songwriter now too. What can't she do?" "Right! She wanted to offer it to us for the next album." "Is it any good?"

"It's actually amazing. Sounds like something we would do." "So, what's the problem?" "I just want her to release it herself. She's so talented but she chooses to help us rather than herself." "I don't know man. I do know that if you try to force her though she will grow to resent you for it." "You're right." I get a text from Hannah asking me to come over and I jump up and run out the door.

Hannah's POV

I'm going through my blanket box when I pull out the hoodie Jonah left at my apartment after our first date, the one I threw at him when I broke up with him, the one I stole I back after he asked me to be his girlfriend again. I texted him to come over because there was something I finally needed to tell him.

About half an hour later, Jonah walks through my front door with Chipotle. "You're amazing." I say walking over to the counter he put the food on. "I try" he leans down and pecks my lips before handing me my food. We walk over to my new couch and enjoy our food together.

"This looks amazing Hannah." His eyes looking around my apartment. "Thanks, but there's a reason I asked you to come over today." "What's up?" I walk into my bedroom and grab the hoodie that was on my bed and then walk back to the living room. "My hoodie? You're not breaking up with me, are you?" "No, of course not. I just found this, and I realized I was ready to say something I've been way too scared to say."

I walk back over to the couch with Jonah following me. "So, as you know, you are my first ever boyfriend." He nods and grabs my hand. "Well, that means that I've never been in love." He looks at me confused, searching my face for what I was trying to say. "That is until my first night on the press tour." I see his face light up and I take a deep breath.

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