Chapter 11

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I take Jonah to the restaurant the boys rented out for us. We spent the night holding hands and kissing each other from across the table. I also gave him all the gifts I got him: New Vans, new studs for his ears, and a blindfold. "A blindfold huh?" he says looking over at me smirking. "Calm down. It's for the next surprise." We walk through the back to the Uber waiting for us. I put the blindfold on him and kiss him. "I like this." He said smirking again.

Not long after we arrive at the venue for the party. I lead him into the building and then into the elevator. I fumble with my keys, so everyone knows we're here even though I texted Daniel when the Uber pulled up. I opened the door and pulled Jonah's blindfold off. The lights flip on and everyone yells "SURPRISE!!!!" Jonah walks into the center of the party and hugs his four bandmates and Logan Paul who is vlogging the whole thing.

After the party, the only people left in the space are Logan and Brendan, the 'Why Don't We' boys, Christina, and me. "Ok guys, I have one more surprise for Jonah. I was waiting until it was only us because all of you have been through all of this with us." Jonah kissed my knuckles. I hand Jonah an envelope and tell him to read the letter first. He quickly skims the letter and his eyes go wide. "You're transferring to UCLA!" I nod, and he stands up and kisses me. "Wait there's one more thing in there!" He looks back into the envelope and pulls out the key. "That is the key to this place. My new apartment." "So, this is real life. You're moving out to LA?" I nod again smiling.

He picks me up and spins me around. Everyone around us applauds as he kisses me again. I look at the boy who was just a face on the screen to me less than 3 months ago, we've come so far in such a short amount of time. I know that this is the man that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. I pull him down back to me for another kiss. We look over and see Logan still vlogging all of this.

"Logan, please don't post any of this." I say walking up to him later. "Don't worry sis. I'm going to blur your face out and that last part won't make it." "Thank you, Logan. I really appreciate that." "Well I appreciate you being so good to my boy. I've honestly never seen him so happy." "Really? Well, trust me, he makes me so much happier." I turn to look over and the boy who makes my heart flutter and walk over to him. "Hey superstar." "Hey beautiful."

"I hope you had a good birthday." I say wrapping my arms around the back of his neck. "Believe me when I say that it was the best one I've ever had." He says wrapping his arms around my waist. "I'm glad. I just wanted to make you feel even half as special as you make me feel on a daily basis." "I really don't deserve you." "You don't." He then closes the gap between us and kisses me softly.

Jonah's POV

The next morning, I'm up early as usual and am getting breakfast to bring Hannah. It feels so good to know that I can see her, in person, whenever I want. I walk to her apartment from the Starbucks just around the corner and am met by a swarm of paparazzi waiting outside the building. "It's Jonah!" one yells as they spot me behind them. "We figured you'd be here!" "We got a tip that your 'secret girlfriend' lives here. Is that true?" I ignore all their questions and make my way up to Hannah's apartment.

I knock on the door only to receive a text that said:

H- No

J- I come bearing gifts

H- Starbucks?!

Soon after the door opens to reveal my beautiful girlfriend in one of my sweatshirts. "How many of those do you have now?" "You know, I'd be lying if I said I knew." I give her a quick peck on the lips and walk in to set our drinks down on the kitchen counter. "So, there are about 20 paparazzi outside your building right now." I say walking over to her window. "You're kidding." She said joining me at the window. "How do we know that they're here for me?"

"They told me they got an anonymous tip that you lived here. Me coming here was all the confirmation they needed." "Well they don't know what I look like. So that helps." "They're about to." I say as one points up to us and they start to lift their cameras. We both duck to the floor and lean our backs against the wall. She brings her knees to her chest and I see tears starting to well up in her eyes.

"I can't ever leave now." She says trying to wipe the tears as they fall. I pull her to me and she cries into my chest. "I wish things weren't like this." "I just want to know who tipped them off. It had to be someone from the party last night." "Damn it. I know who it was." "Who?! Spill it Frantzich!" "It was Tatum." "Tatum? She was here?" "No, but her best friend was." "Oh God. I think I'm gonna be sick."

"What do you want to do?" "I want to get them out of here first. All my stuff from back home is coming today. They can't know anything about me." I nod and stand up to call David. After the quick call I turn to Hannah. "You're not going to like this." "Not gonna like what?" "David thinks it's time to go public."

"What? Why" "He's dealt with this kind of stuff before, this story will come out whether we like it or not. He says we might as well do it on our own terms." She throws her head in her hands and I hear the quiet sobs a few seconds later. I walk back over to her and pull her close. I felt so bad, Hannah didn't ask for this life, the only reason she's even in LA is because I asked her to come.

"It's your call Hannah, whatever you want to do, we'll do." "The manager in me agrees with David. But, I'm so scared Jonah. I'm terrified." "What are you so afraid of?" "The hate. The attention. People too into our relationship. What do you want to do?" "I want to be with you. I don't care if 50 people or 50 million people know, remember." I kiss her softly. "I'm going to go get ready while you figure out how you want to tell your fans." "They will be your fans too soon enough."

"Babe!" she yells from her bedroom. "What?" "Come talk to me while I do this." I walk into her bedroom and sit on the air mattress in her room. I'm then struck with an idea. I pull out my phone and open my Instagram stories. "Hey babe?" "Yeah?" "You're beautiful." She turns around to look at me, sees my phone pointed at her and immediately turns back around blushing. I ended the video and put a heart emoji in the corner before posting it.

"Wait, you posted that?" she says looking at her phone. "I did. Now come here." She walks over to me and sits on my lap. "I meant it you know." I say holding her waist. "Meant what?" "That you're beautiful." "Well I would hope so." I laugh and then crash my lips on hers.

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