Chapter 10

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"Jonah calm down." I say in my hotel room later that night. "How dare he say that about you." I pull out my phone and start texting Sydney. "How are you so calm about this?" "Because it doesn't matter to me. He is just some old skeev who said a word. I only care what the people close to me think of me." He walks over the bed and crawls in next me.

"You're right. And I think you're perfect." "Really? I think you're perfect." He kisses me and pulls me into his lap and his arms around my waist. "So...about what we were talking about earlier. Have you thought about it any?" "Yeah, I have. It's definitely something to think about." I grab my laptop and together we lookup schools in Los Angeles.

One Month Later

The rest of tour went by in, what feels like, the blink of an eye. I'm back home with Sydney and missing Jonah like crazy. I haven't seen him in person since tour ended and it was driving me crazy. My phone dings from across the room and I know it's my superstar. All it read was 'Are you at work?' I texted back a simple 'Nope' He was talking about this stupid waitress job I picked up when tour ended, I hated it, and Jonah hated it because I would be forced to work doubles every night which means I'm at work from 10 am to 2 am every day. I was always too exhausted to do anything, which is why I quit, but I haven't told him yet.

I sit on my bed to answer his FaceTime. "Hey superstar." I say when the connection finally goes through. "Hey beautiful." "Did you just wake up?" "Yeah, why aren't you working today?" "Maybe they just finally felt bad for trying to kill me on a daily basis." "Babe, please just quit. You're not happy there. Plus, I'm being selfish cause I want to see you more."

"I know, but you know I need to pay rent." "I know I know. Anyways...Do you know what tomorrow is?" he said smirking. "Saturday?" "Let's try this again, do you know what tomorrow is?" "Only just the day that my sexy af boyfriend was born." "Much better. I wish I could see you." "I know, but I have to work." Lies. "This sucks." "I miss you though" "I miss you too. I miss you lying next to me." "Definitely that, and your sweatshirts, are the only things I miss about you."

"Wow thanks baby." "It's not your birthday yet, I don't have to be nice." 'You look beautiful today by the way." "I literally just have my hair in a messy bun and your sweatshirt." "Yeah, but I always think you look beautiful." "I don't deserve you." "You don't."

"Hannah! We have to go!" Sydney yells from the living room. "Where are you going?" Jonah asks. "Sydney wants to go to the grocery store. I'll call you back later?" All lies. "Yeah, bye baby." "Bye superstar." We hang up and I look around my emptied room. All the boxes of things had been shipped off and I grab my suitcase of clothes and walk out the door with Sydney.

Once we get to the airport we are standing outside the gate hugging each other. "I can't believe you're leaving me." "I'm going to visit you all the time. I promise." We start to attract stares from the loud sobs we're crying. "Ugh, no more crying. You can't be too puffy seeing Jonah." I hug her one more time before having to leave for the gate. I plug in my earbuds and listen to the new 'Why Don't We' album because I'm a good and supportive girlfriend. I fall asleep to the beautiful sound of Jonah's voice.

Jonah's POV

I'm lying on my bed scrolling through pictures of me and Hannah on my laptop. "Jonah, bro, there's something at the door for you." Jack says walking into my room. "Just bring it in." "Um...ok I guess." There's shuffling and whispering outside my door, and I shift my gaze to my door and see a huge balloon bouquet with a big 20 on top. I stand up to inspect it and see a card. 'Roses are red. Violets are blue. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't fall for you. Happy Birthday Superstar.' -Hannah <3'

I smile to myself as I move the bouquet to the corner of the room. When I turn back around I see a smiling Hannah standing in the doorway. I run to her and hug her as tight as I can. "Whoa, can't breathe." "What are you doing here? I didn't think I was going to see you for at least two weeks." "I figured I would come and surprise you. As if I wouldn't see you on your birthday." I pull her back into a kiss, and then I shut the door behind us locking it.

After a couple hours, Hannah and I are laying together while I keep trying to steal kisses. "I can't believe they let you off work." I say playing with her fingers. "Well they kind of had to." I cock an eyebrow at her. "Oh, I quit." "You did?" I say smiling down at her. "Hannah! That's so amazing!" I kiss her and roll back onto my back. "This is turning out to be the best birthday ever."

Hannah's POV

The next morning, I sneak out the bed, so I don't wake up Jonah. I snap of a picture of my newly 20-year-old boyfriend. I walk over to his closet and grab one of Jonah's sweatshirts and one of his hats. Then, I go over to my suitcase and grab some Nike shorts and my white Adidas sneakers. I walk out to the living room where the other boys and Christina are waiting for me to help set up the surprise party for Jonah.

We finally have everything ready and we head back to the 'Why Don't We' house to get ready for tonight. I walk in Jonah's room to see him, still in bed, on his computer. I walk and straddle his thighs. "Happy Birthday superstar." I whisper and then I kiss him. "Mm, happy birthday to me indeed." He kisses me again. "Where did you go?" I woke up and you weren't here." "I just had to run some errands." "You look so sexy in my clothes." I kiss him again.

"Go get ready." "For?" "I am taking you out. We haven't gone out on a date since New York." "Damn, you're right." "Go shower and get dressed." I kiss him again and get off his lap. "Ugh ok." He stood up and walked over to the bathroom. While he starts the shower, I start my makeup. He walks out 5 minutes later with a towel around his waist. "So, what's the move, what should I wear?" "Your maroon jacket, white tee shirt, ripped black skinny jeans, and your maroon Vans." I say not even looking up from my mirror.

"Damn ok." He quickly gets dressed and just watches me continue to get ready. After two hours, my hair and makeup are finally done. I pull off his hoodie and hang it back up in the closet. "That's how you should go tonight. You look so hot." I wink at him and walk into the bathroom to change. "I've seen you naked before." "I want you to see the final look as a whole!" I kick off my shorts and slip on the maroon slip dress, a black choker, and black strappy sandals. I walk out to show Jonah. "How do I look?" "Wow."

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