Chapter 2

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It's been a little over a week since the concert and there was never any word from Jonah, which was a little upsetting but makes sense. I was walking to my car with my best friend and roommate, Sydney. "Can you drive me home before you go to work? I don't feel like taking the bus." She asked. "Yeah sure, get in." As I'm driving, I'm also putting on my makeup. "That is so dangerous," She said obviously judging me.

I stuck my tongue out at her as my phone dinged. "That's probably my boss. Can you read it to me?" "Yeah, it's not your boss. It's someone named Jonah." I almost ran my car off the road. "Whoa, what the hell?!" Sydney screamed from the passenger seat. "What did he say!?" I screamed back. "Hey Hannah! It's Jonah. Sorry I haven't texted yet. Tour has kept us really busy. But I really want to take you out before we leave for the European Leg." she read from my phone. "What do you want me to write back?" she asked. "Nothing. I need time to think about this."

"You're coming straight home after work and telling me all about this. And move your damn ring light too!" "Fine." I drop her off and head to work. The last mom picks up her sons and I'm able to head home for the weekend. I head straight to the apartment I share with Sydney because I knew she would kill me if I didn't. I sat in my parking spot just staring at the text from Jonah. Work was a good distraction but now it was back to what didn't feel like reality.

I walk through the front door to be bombarded by Sydney. "I need to see a picture ASAP!" Since I didn't have a picture on my phone, I pulled one up on, you guessed it, Google. I turned my phone around to show her only for her to burst out laughing. "Seriously what does he look like?" "That's him." "That is not him, that is an actual male model." I shrug and blush. "Shut up Hannah. Dude he is so hot! Why haven't you said yes yet?" "I don't know. It's been over a week since he asked for my number. I guess I'm just unprepared."

"Well we're texting him back, right now. Or..." "Or what?" "We should FaceTime him." "Yeah that is not happening." "Why not? I need to know if he's real or not." "Sydney, he's real. I met him in person." But it was too late, she already pressed call and threw the phone at me right as he answered.

"Hey Hannah. How have you been?" he said sleepily. "Hey, I've been good. Did I wake you up?" "No, you're good." He said yawning. "Yeah, ok. Well I guess I just wanted to tell you that I would love to go out with you." "Really?" "Yeah of course." "We don't have a show tomorrow night. So, I'm gonna fly in and pick you up at nine. Meet me outside, baby, it's a vibe." "That's a song isn't it?" "Yeah it's ours haha."

"Well I am officially embarrassed. So, I'm gonna let you go." Sydney tries to sneak her head over my shoulder to get a peek at Jonah. "It's really ok. It's refreshing. Who's that?" I pan the camera to Sydney who sprinted over to the couch and put a throw pillow over her face. "My best friend and roommate. She didn't think you were real." "Last time I checked, I was pretty real." "Do y'all have a show tonight?" I say putting the camera back on my face. "Yeah I was just getting a pre-show nap in."

"Wow I'm the worst. I'm sorry." "Nah, it was worth it." I instantly started blushing. "Well knock them dead. I'll see you tomorrow night." "Can't wait." He said winking and then I pressed the end call button. I collapse on the couch next to Sydney and she's just staring at me. "What?" "What did he mean by show?" I pulled out my laptop and logged onto YouTube and we spent the rest of the night watching 'Why Don't We' videos and having Sydney staring at me in disbelief.

Jonah's POV

After we finished non-stop touring we only had one show left before a month-long break, and then finally a month long European tour. I pull out my phone and carefully craft a text to Hannah, the girl I met back in Houston. "Hey Hannah! It's Jonah. Sorry I haven't texted yet. Tour has kept us really busy. But I really want to take you out before we leave for the European Leg." We went about our day, doing press and such. After a couple hours, Hannah still hadn't responded but she did read it.

I must've lost my shot. Makes sense. I decided to just take a nap before the show to keep my mind off the whole thing. About 30 minutes into my nap I was awoken to the sound of my phone ringing. I tried to get my eyes to adjust to the bright screen and saw Hannah's name, requesting a FaceTime call. I quickly answer and see Hannah.

We talked for about 20 minutes and made plans for tomorrow night. When she hung up she left me with a dumb smile on my face. I rolled out of my bunk and almost fell onto Daniel, who was in the bunk below me. "Whoa, slow down there slick." He said rolling back into his bunk. "Slick?" I say chuckling. "Who were you talking to?" he asked finally sitting up. "Just someone special." I smile at my phone and walk off the bus and into the venue with Daniel close at my heels.

Hannah's POV

I have to pick Jonah up from the airport in four hours, but I was still in bed. I mean it was only 10 am, but him being here soon makes it worth it. Sydney barges into my room and storms into my closet throwing clothes at me left and right. "What the hell are you doing?" I say dodging my flying clothes. "Finding you the perfect outfit for tonight. Go shower while I pick something cute out." "Ugh fine." I get out of bed and trudge to my bathroom and start the shower.

20 Minutes Later

I have my hair wrapped in a towel and another one wrapped around my body while I'm staring at 3 outfits Sydney finally decided on. "What are you waiting for? Get dressed." "I'm nervous Syd." "Just be yourself. Everyone who knows you, loves you. He will too. And if he doesn't it's not the end of the world." "Wow thanks. Now get out of here while I get dressed." I decided on my black and grey AC/DC shirt, ripped black skinny jeans and my white Adidas sneakers. I then lightly curled my dark brown hair and put on some light make-up. "Wish me luck!" I say to Sydney as I grab my keys and run out the door.

An hour later, I'm waiting by baggage claim with a homemade sign that had red hearts all over it and the words 'My Hot Date' in cursive. I had to wait another 30 minutes until I finally saw him. My heart started to flutter as we made eye contact and he made his way to me.

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