Chapter 12

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Hannah's POV

Jonah and I are cuddling on my air mattress and talking when there's a knock on the door. "Oooh! That's all my stuff!" I say jumping up and running to the door. I pull the door open and am met with two entire carts full of boxes. Jonah and I help the delivery guy unload the boxes onto my living room floor. I tip him before he leaves and then I turn to Jonah with the biggest smile on my face. "Want to help me decorate?" "Ugh, I guess I will." I roll my eyes and open the first box.

"Babe!" I say sitting on my bedroom floor. "Yeah?" he said all the way from across the room. "I'm hungry and bored." "Me too. Want to go somewhere?" "Can we get Chipotle?" I say jumping up excitedly, which earns me a weird smile and look from Jonah. "What?" "Marry me." "So that's a yes for Chipotle?" He walks over to me and kisses my forehead before dragging me out my apartment.

"This feels nice." I say holding his arm as we walk down the street. "What does?" "Being able to hold your hand in public. Maybe I was wrong to be that scared." "No, you had a valid point. I'm just sorry you had to be so scared, just because of my job." I stop to make him look me in the eyes. "I want to be with you. If this is something I have to deal with to do that, I will. I should've known that earlier." "Nah, it felt nice to have something just to myself."

We turn the corner to the street that Chipotle was on when suddenly we hear, "Oh my Gosh! It's Jonah Marais!" We turn to see a girl pointing at us from across the street and then a small crowd starts to form around us. Jonah's grip on my hand tightens and mine on his as well. "It's his girlfriend too!" The crowd intensifies and somehow Jonah and I get pulled apart. "Who are you? Where are you from? What is going on?"

I woke up in a panic and sweat dripping down my face. I look over to see the other side of my bed empty. Did I dream the whole thing? The boys? The tour? Jonah? I grab my phone but see no evidence of Jonah. My eyes start to well up with tears, but finally his name is on my screen, trying to FaceTime me. I answer it as quickly as it appeared.

"Hey ba- wait, why are you crying?" "I just had a bad dream. Kind of freaked me out." "I'm on my way." "No, babe. Just seeing you makes it all better. Like it wasn't even real." "I'm coming over." I nod as he hangs up and then I pinch myself to make sure this wasn't a dream either.

A few moments later there was a knock at my door. I run over to it and see Jonah. Instead of hugging him I just start feeling his face to make sure he was real. "Is this some kind of new greeting I don't know about?" I pull him into a tight hug. "Hannah, you're scaring me. What happened?" I caught him up on the events of my dream as we walked to the air mattress in the center of my room, as it was the only seating in my apartment.

"I'm probably just freaking out for nothing." I say after I finish the story. "It's not nothing. It makes you scared. But, I will always be here to protect you. I'm here and I'm real, I will always be here and real." I pull him into a long hug and he hugs me back. "Stay with me tonight?" He nods and then crawls under the covers, pulling me with him. I never want to leave his arms.

He kisses me softly before we slowly drift off back to sleep, this time with no chance of a horrible nightmare.

Jonah's POV

I wake up before Hannah, as I have to get back to the house before our meeting with David. I write her a quick note, so she doesn't freak out when she wakes up. I head back to the house only to find David already there. "You're late." He said as I enter the living room. "Sorry Dave, Hannah needed me." "Hannah's in LA?" "Yeah, she just moved here." "Get the boys and get in the van."

I walk over to the rooms to see the boys slowly getting ready. "Hey, you guys hurry up. David wants us in the vans." I walk back over to where David is on his phone. "Tell Hannah to meet us at my office." I call her to make sure she was awake, and she was. "Hey babe. Feeling better?" "Yeah, thank you for coming take care of me." "I don't need a thank you, I will always take care of you." "Thanks superstar. Anyway, why are you calling me? Your note said you had a meeting with David today." "About that...can you meet us somewhere?"

About an hour later, we're all sitting in David's office waiting for Hannah. She walks in and sits in the empty chair next to me. "So, I bet you're all wondering why I've brought Hannah here with us today. Especially you Hannah." I look over at her, but she's fixed on whatever David is about to say. "I've decided to fire my assistant and step back a little as your manager."

All of us look around at each other confused and panicky. "Nothing you guys have done. Just always need to move on to bigger and brighter horizons. So, Hannah." All of our focuses shift to Hannah who looks terrified. "You really impressed me during the tour. You have a real talent for this. With that being said, I would like to offer you the job." She immediately turns to me and I take her shaking hand. "C-can I have a little while to think about it?" He nods, and she sprints out the room. All 5 of us chase her to an empty conference room.

She keeps running her hands through her hair as she tries to process what just happened. "I just can't be your boss." She keeps saying over and over. "But why not? You'd do an amazing job." I say walking over to her. "Jonah, unless you've forgotten, we're dating. We can't mix business and us. Also, my friendships with all of you." She says gesturing to the other boys. "I can't ruin any of that."

"Hannah, this is your dream. You can't turn this down." "Yeah, Hannah. Plus, we'd rather you than some stranger we don't trust." Daniel said walking up behind me. "You really want me to do this?" We all nod. "Well then how can I say no?" she says wiping tears. We all pull her into a group hug and then go back into David's, well Hannah's new, office to tell him the news.

That night, Hannah and I were sitting in her room on the floor. "Can we please get you some furniture?" I say looking around her empty apartment. "I can't afford it right now. But, I have an amazing new job, so hopefully soon." "Hannah, I can buy some things for you." "Yeah, but I won't let you." "And why not?" "Well to quote your band: 'I don't really want no Trust Fund Baby, I like my women independent.'" "Funny. Did you tell your parents about the job?"

"Oh no, I haven't. I'll call them later." "Why not now?" "Well..." "What?" "They don't exactly know that I went on tour with you guys, or that we're dating." "Hannah..." "What? They never would've let me go if they knew. They also wouldn't let me go on tour.""How do you know that?" "Staying on a tour bus, going to the most romantic spots in Europe, with a bunch of guys. Yeah, that wouldn't fly with them." "Hannah, you have to tell them sooner or later." "I choose later." "Or sooner." He hands me my phone and I dial a FaceTime call with my mom.

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