Chapter 17

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After my first couple songs, I finally address the crowd, "How are y'all doing tonight?" The entire stadium erupts into cheers. "I have something to confess to you guys. This is my first time ever performing. How am I doing?" The crowd cheers again and I look over to Jonah who's cheering along with the crowd. "All right! I'd like to finish out tonight with a song I wrote for someone very special to me. This is 'As Long As I Have You.'

I grab my guitar and start to play my song. Once, I've finished the song the crowd erupts in cheers again. "Who's ready for 'Why Don't We'!" The cheers get even louder. "My name is Hannah and you guys have been amazing! Thank you!" I run off stage and immediately into Jonah's arms, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"That was amazing!" he screamed spinning me around. The other boys are cheering behind us. Jonah places me back on the ground but doesn't let go of my waist. "I'm so proud of you baby." "Why Don't We! Why Don't We! Why Don't We!" the crowd starts to chant. "Knock 'em dead superstar." He kisses me before walking on stage.

After the show, Jonah and I are walking hand-in-hand, behind the rest of the boys, on the way to the meet and greet. "You did amazing." I say wrapping both of my arms around one of his. "So did you. I knew you could do it." "You did. You're the best boyfriend ever." "I really am." I chuckle and kiss him before dropping his arm and walking into the meet and greet.

I hang back in a corner back in management mode, which was hard when I just opened for one of the biggest boybands in the world and everyone wants to know who I am. A small crowd starts to form around me of people wanting selfies and autographs. I look up and see Jonah smirking over at me. I can't help but blush and then go back to meeting my new fans.

Jonah's POV

I look over at Hannah and see her look a little scared but handling it so well. She looks at me and smiles and I give her a smirk back. I turn back to the fans I was talking to and they were giving me a really weird look. "Did you guys enjoy the show?" I say signing one of their posters and trying to brush it off. "You totally have a crush on Hannah." One of them says to me. "What makes you think that?" "You just totally stared at her for like 5 minutes." "It's her first night. I just want to make sure she's ok."

They all nod unconvinced. "Plus, I have a girlfriend. No room for crushes. Except on all of you of course." They all blush a giggle and finally the subject changes. Later that night I'm lying in bed waiting for Hannah to get out of the shower. "Jonah, you won't believe this." She says running out with her hair wrapped in a towel and an extra-large t-shirt. "What's up?" "Look what's trending."

She shows me her phone and the number one locally trending topic was '#Joannah' "Joannah?" she taps it and all the incoming tweets are talking about 'shipping' Hannah and me together. "That is so cute." I say still reading the tweets. "Your fans are smart." "Either that or I'm very obvious." "What do you mean?" "Some fans might have caught me staring at you at the meet and greet. Don't hate me." I look up and see her smiling down at me.

"You know I could never hate you. I love you." I smile and kiss her. "So, you're not mad." "Nah. Forever is a long time to keep a secret." "Forever huh?" "If you'll have me." "Of course I will."

Hannah's POV

2 Weeks Later

Our next stop was an exciting one. We got to New Orleans a day early because Jonah convinced me to spend my birthday as close to home as possible. My parents and siblings were driving into to town early this morning and staying over the weekend to see the show. "Baby, we're here. Wake up." Jonah said opening the curtain to my bunk. "We're here?" "Yeah. Happy Birthday." "It's my birthday?" "Your family will be here in an hour. So it's time to get up and at em."

"Can't I just sleep in?" I say batting my eyelashes at him. "Tomorrow you can. But you haven't seen your family in months." "I hate when you make sense." He pecks me on the lips and pulls me out the bunk. "I hate you." I say as he slings me over his shoulder. "I'll excuse that because it's your day." We grab our luggage and head upstairs to our room. "By the way, can you stay with Daniel while my parents are here? Or just at least put your bags in his room?"

"Yeah I can. As long as I get you at night." He says grabbing my waist and pulling me close. "You are dirty." I say smirking up at him. He winks and pulls me into a kiss. I quickly get ready and send Jonah out of my room when my mom texts me saying they were here. I run down to the lobby and give them all the biggest hugs.

"My baby is 20." My mom says tearing up after I hug her. "Mom, don't cry. You're here to have fun! Jonah is really excited to meet y'all." "Speaking of, where is Jonah?" Mattie says searching the lobby. "And Zach, and Jack, and Daniel, and Corbyn." "Let's go meet them." I say helping them grab their bags. After we get them set up in their room I walk them over the suite the boys were sharing.

I knock before slipping the room key in and walking in. "Hannah! Knock first!" Zach says changing his shirt. "I did. And be nice I brought visitors." I turn to introduce my family but see Mattie's mouth is wide open and her eyes are fixated on a shirtless Zach. The other boys join us in the living room of the suite. I walk around and introduce my family to each of the boys until finally we get to Jonah. "And this, this is Jonah."

He shakes my dad and brothers hands and hugs my mom and sister. "So, we're taking Hannah to her favorite restaurant in the city for her birthday. Do you boys want to join us?" my dad says looking at the boys. "Actually, I think it would be a great way for you to get to know Jonah a little better. Plus we don't want to be a nuisance." Jack says from behind Jonah. Jonah looks down at me nervous, so I rub his arm to calm him. "Sounds like a great idea. Let's go fam."

"Dad, please don't ever say that again." "What? I'm hip. I'm happening." "If you want to break up with me now, I will fully understand." I say turning to Jonah. "Don't be silly Hannah. Jonah's got a sense of humor." He grabs Jonah by the shoulders and walks him out the room. "Wish me luck" I say hugging the other four boys."Happy Birthday Hannah!" My mom and I pull Mattie out of the hotel and catch up to my dad, Carson, and a very scared Jonah. I can't help but laugh when he looks back at me and mouths 'Help me.' "Why are you smiling like that?" Mattie asks. "I'm just so happy."

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