Chapter 13

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After a few rings my mom picks up. "Hey sweetie, everything all right? How's the new apartment?" "Still unfurnished. Everything is fine though. More than fine actually." "Oh?" "So, I got a really good job offer today. Is Mattie there?" "Yeah hold on. Mattie come see please." Mattie jumps into frame while Jonah tries to peek at the screen.

"So, this job offer?" "Yeah, so I'm going to be 'Why Don't We's' new manager." They both sit there speechless. "How did you manage to do that?" "Well, over the summer for about a month and a half I went on the European leg of the tour as the assistant to their last manager." "Excuse me? You did what now?" I look over at Jonah and he rubs my arm to soothe me.

"There's one other thing." I turn the phone screen to show Jonah's face. "YOU'RE BEST FRIENDS WITH JONAH MARAIS?!" Mattie yells at the screen. "Well yes but, he's also kind of my boyfriend. Has been for about a couple months now." "A couple months? In that time I could've been married to all of them already." "Well, you can't have Jonah. He's mine. Also, please keep this a secret. So, no social media, no telling friends, please we're not telling the media yet." They nod and after a few more minutes, end the call.

"Well that went better than I thought." "I told you it would. Plus, you're way too good looking to get mad at." "Well that's true, but so are you." "Not true. We broke up for a couple hours because you were mad at me." "Ugh, let's not talk about that. I was so wrong." "Yeah, you were." I scoff and kiss him. "I get my signing bonus tomorrow. Want to come with me to get furniture." "Of course."

The boys called us back to the 'Why Don't We' house for pizza and movies to celebrate my new job and their new manager. We walk into cheers from the other four boys and Logan Paul. I hug each one of them and go into the kitchen with Logan following me. "Hey manager Hannah." "I like the sound of that." "I actually have a proposition for you."

"Explain." "So, the boys are a huge hit in my vlogs." I nod "I know you will be too, and you're always with my boy Jonah now." "Logan, I appreciate that but we're not ready to go public yet." "No, yeah, but as manager Hannah." "Oh, well then I guess that's fine. I guess that you should just let me know before you start filming, so I know not to hang around Jonah or whatever." "Sweet! Thanks man!" he pulls me into a tight hug while screeching.

The boys all run into the kitchen to see what all the commotion was about. "Um, everything ok in here?" Daniel says seeing me being crushed by Logan. "Yeah, I just gave Logan permission to use me in his vlogs." Logan pulls out his camera and runs into the living room with Zach, Jack, Daniel and Corbyn, leaving me alone with Jonah. "I thought you didn't want us to go public yet." He said walking over to me.

"I don't, so it's just Hannah the manager in the vlogs, not Hannah the girlfriend." He nods and grabs two plates of pizza and hands one to me before walking back into the living room. I follow him and sit next to him on the couch. We just eat and hang out for the rest of the night before Jonah drives me home.

"I had such a great time with you tonight." I say as we sit outside of my building.  "I always have a good time when you're there." He says running his thumb over knuckles. "I should get some sleep." "Yeah me too." He then walks around to the passenger side door to let me out and then he walks me up to my apartment. "I'll see you tomorrow morning for our meeting?" I say outside my door. "Bright eyed and bushy tailed." "Good." I lean and kiss him goodnight before heading to my shower before tomorrow.

The next morning I'm walking out of the Starbucks down the street from my new office. I got coffees for me and the boys and took the elevator to my floor. I walk in and start unpacking the things I brought to decorate a little to make it more me. The back of the desk was soon filled with pictures of me with Sydney, my family, my dogs, and my favorite, a picture of me and Jonah from our first date.

I stare at the picture until my assistant, Chelsea, buzzes my intercom. "'Why Don't We' are here for their 10 o'clock meeting." "Thank you, Chelsea. Send them back." A few seconds later there's a knock at the door but it wasn't the boys, it was Eben, the opening act from tour and one of Jonah's best friends, apart from the boys. "Hey, can I come in?" "Um, sure. Can I help you with something?" "Actually yes. I was walking by and I saw you through the glass and I knew I just had to talk to you. I haven't seen you since tour."

"Yes, it has been a little while." "I missed you." "Oh, thank you?" "How would you like to grab some dinner with me tonight? Say 7?" "Oh Eben, that's a lovely offer but I have a boyfriend." "You did. But come on babe. I'm Eben." "Don't call me babe." "Come on girl. Just one dinner."

"She said no Eben." Jonah says from the door way with the rest of the band standing behind him. "What do you care Jonah?" "Get out Eben and don't you ever talk to her or any other woman like that ever again." "Whatever man." He skulks out my office and Jonah stares him down the whole way out. "Ok well that was awkward." Corbyn says sitting in one of the chairs in front of my desk.

"Anyway." I say closing the door behind them and making to way behind my desk. "So, I was doing some research on you guys last night, and I noticed something." They all look at me confused. "Only 3 videos have over 20 million views on your YouTube channel." "We got three now!" Zach and Jack high five each other.

"Have y'all ever heard of Conor Maynard?" they all shake their heads no. "He's a British singer and YouTuber with a very popular series on his channel called Sing-Off." I turned my laptop around to play them one of the videos. "Each video gets at least 90 million views." "So, what are you saying?" Daniel asks. "I contacted his manager, and they agreed to shoot one with you." They all talk amongst themselves excited. "He's flying in Tuesday, so I cleared your schedules until then."

For the next half hour, we talked about the logistics of Tuesday and also just how I wanted things to operate as their manager. I let them go for the day and walk with Jonah up to David's top level office to receive my bonus. "I'm so excited to finally decorate. And now, I have an office to decorate too! You're such a good boyfriend for letting me drag you with me." "Hey, you need a strong man to help do all the heavy lifting." He says flexing his muscles.

I roll my eyes and tell David's assistant that I'm here to see him. We walk in to see Eben sitting across from David. He turns around to see me and gives me a cocky wink. I roll my eyes and walk over to David. "Good work with getting the collab with Conor Maynard." He says handing me my check. "Thank you!" "I knew you would be a natural at this." "I really appreciate that David." "Have a good day." I nod and pull a scowling Jonah out the office.

"The nerve of that guy." "Jonah calm down." "Hannah, he just completely disrespected you." "I know, and I would've told him off if I wasn't at my job." "I swear I'm gonna kick his ass." "Are you jealous?" " think?" "Follow me. I have a surprise for you."

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