Chapter 21

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"I love you too superstar, also can we talk about what you said last night?" He looked at me confused and thought back to last night. "Did you finish editing?" "No, what you said after that." "What did I say?" "You kind of sort of asked me to marry you." His eyes get really wide and then he rolls out of bed and walks out of the room.

Seconds later he reenters the room and sits in the chair in the other corner of the room. "I'm very sorry. I had a dream, and I guess I just talk in my sleep now." "Don't be sorry." "I just have been thinking of the future a lot recently." "You have?" "You haven't?" "I don't like to think about the future sometimes." "Why not?"

"Cause what if it doesn't happen? We could break up tomorrow. I would be even more heart broken if I thought of this whole future with you and it was just over." "Come here," I crawl out of bed and walk over to sit in his lap. "I am so in love with you babe and I can't imagine my life without you. I don't want to imagine it." "Does this have anything to do with us going public? Is the pressure getting to you?"

"Will you please stop doing that? Why can't you understand that I am crazy about you?" "Because Jonah! No one has ever been this good to me. I'm so in love with you that it scares me." "Why are we fighting about how in love we are?" "I don't know just kiss me!" he pulls me down to him and connects his lips with mine.

"Let's not worry about the future. Cause if we do, we'll forget how great right now is." I say as we pull apart. "You're right. I love you." "I love you too." I kiss him again and stand up to get ready for breakfast. "Um...Hannah..." "Yeah?" "You should probably check Twitter." I run to my phone and see my phone lighting up from Twitter notifications. I open the app and immediately regret it.

'Why is Jonah even with Hannah? Doesn't he know how gross she is?' accompanying the tweet was a picture of me from high school when I was 100 pounds heavier. "No. No, this can't be happening." I drop my phone and run out of the room. I know Jonah is chasing after me, but I run straight to Sydney's room.

She opens the door pissed but when she sees me crying, she pulls me and Jonah into her room. "What's going on? What the hell did you do to her Jonah?" "Nothing, I swear." He says holding me. Jonah then hands her his phone, which was opened to the tweet I had just seen. "Shit. How did they even get this picture?" I shrug and continue to sob into Jonah's shirt.

I start drying my tears and force Jonah to go get ready for the interviews which leaves Sydney and I in her room. "You're going to have to tell him you know." "I don't see why I have to." "You can't hide the medications, the doctor's appointments and the weird diet. I honestly don't even know how you've kept it from him this long already." "Kept what from me?" I turn around and see Jonah standing in the doorway and looking between me and Sydney.

"Hannah, what's going on?" I go to answer him, but I'm cut off by the other boys walking by and letting me know the van is here. "Jonah, I promise I will explain but we need to go." He huffs and walks down with the boys instead of with me. Sydney and I decide to take the staff van to the venue instead of riding with band.

Jonah's POV

I walk down to the vans with the boys and when Hannah and Sydney don't end up riding with us, the boys instantly think something is wrong. "You guys didn't break up, did you?" Jack asks from behind me. "I don't even know what's happening right now bro. Yesterday was perfect and in the matter of minutes our entire lives fell apart. She admitted she didn't think about our future, if we even have one. The fans attacked her on Twitter, and she's hiding something from me."

"Damn." Corbyn said. "How are they hating on her?" Daniel said getting protective. I toss my phone at him and the other guys and they start scrolling. "This is actual bullshit." Zach says tapping on a picture of Hannah. "Yeah it is. I'm not in love with her because of her body. I'm in love with her. But Hannah's really insecure and I don't know how to help her." "Sometimes with insecurities you just need to love her in spite of them. Hannah might feel this way forever or she might get over them on her own." Corbyn says.

When we get to the first radio station I see Hannah and Sydney get out first and walk straight in. Fans are screaming around them, but they just walk past them. I go to jump out the van and run after her, but I'm stopped by our security. I don't get to see her again until we all get to the venue and she's in hair and makeup. "Hey." I say going to sit next to her. "Hey." She said quietly.

"Can we talk?" I say placing my hand on hers. "Jonah, I really don't want to talk about this right now. I'm going to start crying and then Bianca will kill me." Bianca nods from behind her. "No, not about that. You can tell me whenever you're ready. I just wanted to say that I think you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, I will always see you that way. I love you so much." Her eyes start to tear up and Bianca starts waving a fan in her face to stop the tears.

"Jonah you need to go." Bianca says. I kiss Hannah's hand and walk back to our dressing room. I'm standing with Hannah right before she goes on stage. "I love you too by the way." She says holding both of my hands. I lean down and kiss her softly before the lights go down. "I'm scared Jonah. They hate me." "Just go out there and do what I know you can do and sing your ass off. I will give you all the love you need and more when you get off stage." She nods and kisses me again before going on stage.

Hannah's POV

I step on stage and it was like my worst nightmare coming to life. There was some booing from the audience, and countless people had posters with those awful pictures of me on them. I turn to face Jonah and he's giving me a thumbs up. I perform the first half of my set and the boos only got louder. I turn to look over and see Sydney waving me off the stage, I just shake my head no and turn to address the crowd.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry to you guys. I'm sorry to my best friends Sydney, Daniel, Jack, Zach, and Corbyn. I'm sorry to my boyfriend Jonah. But most of all I'm sorry to me. I'm sorry for letting myself to be hurting over something I can't control. I've worked so hard over the last few years to not be her anymore." I point to one of the posters with an old picture on it. "But, she is a part of me and someone I never should've tried to hide. So once again, I'm sorry."

The boos were then replaced by cheers. Just then, all the people I just mentioned ran on stage and pulled me into a tight hug. They all run off stage except Jonah, I give him a very confused look and then he pulls me into a kiss causing the crowd to erupt in cheers.

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