Chapter 5

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One Week Later

The boys and I are back on tour, kind of, a press tour that is. Our first ever album comes out in a month so we're going around the country doing extra press before it drops. Next stop was New Orleans, Louisiana. Hannah was out of school for the summer, so I convinced her to come see me. I'm glad I did because I was finally getting to tell her the surprise I have for her. You have no idea how hard it is to FaceTime and text someone 24/7 for a week and not explode.

We pull up to the hotel and grab our bags before getting out of the van. Through the window I see Hannah sitting on a couch in the lobby. She looks up at me and smiles and gives me a little wave. I wave back, and we are ushered through the back of the kitchen. David hands us our room keys and tells us our room numbers. Once we're in our rooms I text Hannah to meet me up at my room.

After about five minutes there was a knock on my door and I open it to see the most beautiful girl in the world. I pull her into a hug and spin her around. "I can't believe you're here." I say putting her back on the ground but not breaking the hug. "What are you talking about? You begged me to come." She says chuckling. "So..." I say breaking the hug but still holding her waist. "So...?" "We have a surprise for you." "Who's we?"

Just then Zach, Corbyn, Jack, and Daniel jump out from their hiding places. "WHY DON'T WE SURPRISE YOU!" we all yell at the same time. She jumps back and covers her mouth with her hands. After the initial shock wears off she walks around hugging each guy. She sits down on my hotel bed and I go sit next to her. "So, are you ready for the surprise now?"

She looks around at the boys confused. "This wasn't the surprise?" "Babe, you knew you were seeing them today. So, no, this isn't the surprise." "What is it then?" "Well, I know you've been stressing about finding a new job, we got you one." "We would like to personally, on behalf of our manager, invite you to assist said manager throughout the entire European tour." Daniel said smiling. "What? Be your manager's assistant?" I nod at her smiling.

"Jonah, can I talk to you alone?" I nod, and the boys get up and walk out of the room. "What's wrong?" I say holding her hand. "Don't you think this is all moving a little too fast. I mean, this is only our third time seeing each other in person, we've only been on one date. I'm just worried."

"Do you believe in soulmates? Cause I do. I asked our tour manager to invite you backstage because when my eyes met yours, I felt something. I really don't want to scare you and if you turn this down I will completely this understand, and it won't hurt what we already built. I just think this will be good for you. Help you follow your dreams." "Well then, when do I start?" I pull her into a tight hug and kiss her cheek.

"I actually have one other thing to ask you." She cocks an eyebrow. "Will you be my girlfriend?" she blushes and nods. "Of course, I will! But..." Now it was my turn to give her a confused look. "I don't think I'm ready for it to be public. The whole fame and social media thing, I'm not ready for anything like that." "As long as I have you I don't care if we tell 50 people or 50 million. I will make it obvious in interviews that I'm not single anymore though." She leans over and kisses me. "Wow, a job offer, and a smoking hot boyfriend. This is turning out to be a pretty good day." She smiles at me and I can't help but kiss her again.

Hannah's POV

A job, a boyfriend, and four potential best friends, all in just one day. Right now, I'm being ushered into a van with the boy's manager (AKA my new boss), and other members of their team. "So, you must be my new assistant, Hannah." He says to me extending a hand for me to shake. I extend my hand as well and give him a firm handshake. "Yes! Thank you so much for this incredible opportunity." "Well, I needed a new assistant and I found your profile through the internship database. Then when Jonah recommended you, it was a no brainer."

For the entire car ride over he explained to me what my responsibilities for the tour would be. "And for rules. There aren't a lot but if you break them you will be sent home immediately. Rule #1: you will be dealing with classified information, you are not to share this information with anyone until it is released to the public by a member of our staff. The others we can discuss at a later date. Since there was such a strong recommendation from Jonah, that leads me to believe that there's something going on with the two of you. I personally don't care but the fans will. I would suggest keeping your relationship as private as you can for as long as you can. Any questions?" I don't even have a chance to respond before we've pulled up to the venue and are being walked in.

While the boys are being introduced and performing, I'm standing with David as he goes over more things I'll need to know while on tour. He hands me a brand-new iPhone X that has all the contacts I need. The Q&A starts, and David sends me into the crowd with a question that he wants to make sure I ask. I take a few selfies with the few fans who recognized me from my channel. All the questions so far are the basic questions that every celebrity ever has been asked and then they ask the 'Who's single?' question. Jonah's eyes meet mine as he, Corbyn, and Jack are the only ones on the stage with their hands down.

The fans around me start eagerly whispering because Jonah had been single the entire time he was a part of 'Why Don't We.' The girl next to me grabs my arm, obviously freaking out. "Do you think he and Tatum finally made it official?" she asked me. "They must have. They are so cute together!" Jonah then winks out into the crowd, clearly for me. "OH MY GOD HE WINKED AT ME!!" a girl a few rows in front of me screams and I can't help but laugh along with the everyone in the room. "Now let's take some questions from the audience." The moderator says into the mic.

I immediately shoot my hand up and read over the question. I get handed a microphone and stand up. "Please tell us your name and age and then your question."  "Ok, I'm Hannah and I'm 19. My question is; 'How does the album differ from all the EPs you've released?'" "Ooh," they all said in unison. "Well the biggest difference is, that it's a full-length album and not an EP." Corbyn says cause the crowd to erupt in laughter.

"I think another difference is that with the EPs we were just trying to always push music out to give some content for our fans, but with the album it's something we really wanted to take our time with. We always want to grow and progress as a band and an album was the obvious next step for us." Daniel says causing the crowd to erupt with applause. I look back at David and he's giving me a thumbs up while he's on the phone.

After the Q&A Jonah and I meet up backstage. "I can't wait to spend the next couple months doing this with you." I kiss his cheek and walk away winking at him.

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