Chapter 7

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The next few days we're just doing the same thing as every stop is going to be. Just press and Q&As, but I was loving every minute. The other 'Why Don't Boys' and I were getting closer and closer every day. After a particularly long day of press in New York the boys decided they wanted to go to a karaoke bar since Corbyn and Christina could finally be together after months apart and apparently, they love karaoke. So, I decided to use my new managerial training to rent out a karaoke bar for the night. After checking with David of course, he said it was ok.

I'm sitting in my hotel room, so I could have some privacy while putting on my makeup. The boys stare at me too much while I'm doing it. "Hannah! We're about to leave! Are you almost done?" Jonah screamed as he walked through the door. Why on Earth did I give him a key? "Excuse you. I could have been naked in here." "Bummer." "Haha you are so funny." I say obviously sarcastically. "But yes, I am almost ready. Just need to put on my lipstick and then I'm done. Don't look at me while I do this." "Why not?" "I have the ugliest lipstick face ever." "I seriously doubt that."

I start putting on my lipstick and then when I'm done I turn to see his camera pointed at me. "Did you just video me?" "I did." "Why? I'm sure it's the ugliest thing ever!" We watch the video together and then he kisses the top of my head while I cringe. I jump on his back and he carried me to the Uber that's been waiting for us.

After sitting in New York traffic for almost an hour we finally get to the under 21 bar where Christina is waiting outside for us. Corbyn is the first one out the Uber and runs to her, hugging her tight. Some paparazzi are waiting outside the bar and I get out before Jonah and we are forced to walk in separately. Once we're safely inside Jonah takes his normal spot, which is behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist.

Christina and I start talking as the boys start performing for literally just us and the bartenders. We clap when the song was over, and they bow. Jonah comes and kisses my hand as my favorite song starts to play. "The stage is all yours baby." "Oh no. I can't go up there and sing." "It's just us here. I know how much you love this song." He hands me a microphone and I'm being pushed on stage before I know what's happening. 'New York State of Mind' by Billy Joel restarts and I'm left there on stage with a single spotlight on me.

I just start singing and lose myself in the song. I've always loved singing, but I was nowhere even close to being good enough to pursue it as a career. That's the real reason I wanted to be a manager. Being so close to music but never having to be in the spotlight. All of them, my new friends, were so brave. I wish I could be brave like them one day. The song ends and all of them stand up cheering. I even got applause from the bartender. I put the microphone back on the stand and walk to the table all my friends were at.

"Hannah! Why the hell were you holding that out on us. You're amazing!" Jonah said running up to me. "You never asked." "Tonight, you and I, are having our very own Q&A." I chuckle and hug him. After about another half hour I'm about ready to turn in for the night. I'm resting my head on Jonah's shoulder and he's rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. "You want to head back to the hotel?" I nod my head and he kisses the top of it. "Hey guys, we're gonna head back to the hotel." The boys start whistling, hooting and hollering. "Nothing's gonna happen." I say to the screaming boys. Jonah and I walk hand in hand out the bar and hail a taxi back to the hotel.

We head to my room since I don't have to share with anyone. We're sitting crisscross on my bed facing each other while Jonah asks me a bunch of questions. "Ok now those were the easy ones. Now for the hardball questions." "I'm ready Frantzich." "How many boyfriends have you had?" "1" "Before me?" "Oh, then 0" "Really? But you're just so perfect." "Well you are the only one who's ever thought that." He takes my hands in mine and just smiles at me.

"Ok, how old were you when you had your first kiss?" "19" "But you're 19 now." "Jonah..." "I was your first kiss?" I nod slowly, getting really embarrassed really fast. I know this feeling. I'm about to be rejected again. Although, I never thought we would make it this far. My eyes start to well up with tears, but I put my face down so Jonah can't see. 'God pull yourself together Hannah. Don't ruin this.' I'm able to stop the tears but I know there are obvious tear stains on my face. "Why are you crying? Come here." He pulls me into his lap and rubs my back softly.

"It's just, being with you scares me." I say wiping the tears away. "Why?" "Because I'm just some naïve small-town girl, who's falling for a big-time popstar. I mean I couldn't even kiss someone and you can sell out arenas. I should be nobody to you." "Wait, back up. You're falling for me?" My eyes go wide as I realize what I said out loud.

"Oh, no no no no no. I didn't say anything. Please forget you heard that." "Hannah, calm down. I'm falling for you too." "You are?" "Yes. And please don't ever say that you're nobody. You are everything to me. I would give up all of this just to be with you." "I would never ask you to do that." "I know you wouldn't." He pulls me in a super passionate kiss, a kiss that feels as if he's been holding out on me. He pulls away and places his forehead on mine. "You're amazing Hannah." "So are you superstar." He starts kissing me again and we got to share another first that night.

Jonah's POV

The next morning I'm sneaking into the hotel room I was supposed to be sharing with Corbyn, to grab my suitcase to bring back to Hannah's room. I'm startled by Corbyn walking out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and Christina following him with one wrapped completely around her. "Man Jonah! What the hell are you doing here?" Corbyn said jumping when he saw me. "I just came to grab my suitcase to bring back to Hannah's room." "Oh, I see." Then he winked at me. "Shut up man." I lightly punch his arm, but then we high-fived each other.

I make my way back to Hannah's room and when I enter she's still fast asleep. I put my suitcase down and crawl back into bed with her. "Hannah," I whisper lightly. There was no answer. "Baby," I say a bit louder. "Hmm?" "We have to get up." "What time is it?" she says starting to rub the sleep out of her eyes. "6 am." "What? Goodnight." Then she turned back around and closed her eyes. "I want to take you somewhere before the city wakes up." "This is New York. It never sleeps. Unlike me. Goodnight."

"Please babe?" "Ugh fine! She bolts out of bed and storms over to the bathroom. I laugh and I'm staring at the corner she just disappeared from. This is the girl I'm going to spend the rest of my life with, and what scared me was, that didn't scare me.

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