Chapter 6

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"What do you mean you're leaving for two months?" Sydney said as Jonah and I are packing up my bags for tour. "Jonah got me a job as their manager's assistant for the European tour." I tell her and then kiss Jonah on the cheek. "As ADORABLE as that is, you can't leave me in this apartment for two months alone." "I'm sorry Syd, but you know this is my dream." "I know, but I WILL BE ALONE." Jonah chuckles to himself throwing clothes onto my bed. "Shush you, this is all your fault." He shrugs and smirks, making my heart melt.

"Babe, you're making a mess." I say walking over to what used to be my bed and grabbing a t-shirt to fold. "In my defense, I hate folding clothes, and they weren't folded to begin with." "Don't at me." He leans and kisses my forehead. "Y'all are gross." Sydney says leaving the room. "She was talking about you." We say at the same time pointing at each other. "Oh, so just FYI, David told me that we should keep our relationship private within about 5 seconds of meeting me. Any thoughts on that?" "Oh, I wonder what made him think that?" "You're so cute." He winks and smirks at me.

All my bags are packed by my bedroom door and Jonah and I were laying on my bed, facing each other. "So, two months, stuck in Europe with me, hope you don't get sick of me." I say with my fingers wrapped in his hair. "I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about you learning how gross I am on tour. It's pretty bad." "Brb, going unpack my bags." I pretend to sit up, but he pulls my arm back down and brings his lips to mine.

"Ok, gross." We pull apart and see Daniel who pretends to be gagging. Jonah just chucks a pillow at him. "Is it time to leave already?" he says standing up. "I'm afraid so," Daniel says hugging me. Daniel and I each grab a bag and Jonah somehow ends up grabbing three. "Sydney! I'm leaving!" She comes running downstairs and almost tackles me in a hug. "I'm gonna miss you!" "I'm gonna miss you too." We finally pull away after what feels like forever. I go to grab my suitcase. "What-?" "We put it on the bus like 3 hours ago." Daniel says standing in the doorway. "Oh, come on! How many hot guys do you need? I have none!" Daniel breaks out laughing and I hug Sydney one more time before Daniel basically pulls me out the door.

"So, I'm guessing I'll be on the staff bus?" I ask as we head for the two buses parked on the road outside my apartment. "Normally yes. But we have an extra bunk on ours. It's completely up to you, a bus full of stuffy professionals, or a bus full of teenage boys. Jonah would probably prefer you on our bus for obvious reasons." "Speaking of Jonah, where is he?" "He went to clean his bunk, so he wouldn't embarrass himself in front of you. It was pretty bad. Clothes everywhere."

I chuckle and step onto the boy's bus and see Jonah hurriedly running from his bunk to a closet. Then when he sees me he quickly closes the curtain to his bunk. "Hey babe, come here often?" Once he says that, Jack smacks him in the back of the head. "Run Hannah, run far away." Zach says resting his arm on my shoulder. "Shut up Zach," Jonah says walking up to me and kissing me. "I would like to formally revoke our invitation for Jonah to stay on the bus." Corbyn says walking out of the bathroom.

"Ok Hannah let me show you to your bunk," Daniel says walking me to the back of the bus. "Right across from mine," Jonah pipes up when we get to the bunks. I turn and wink at him as Daniel rolls his eyes. So, make yourself at home." Then he walks away, leaving Jonah and me alone. "It's pretty roomy considering," I say pulling back the curtain and seeing the bed with a window.

I feel arms snake around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. "Oh, there's something I've been meaning to ask you." I twist in his arms so now we're face to face. "Ask away." "Who's Tatum?" "Uh oh," one of the boys screams from the front of the bus. "She's just a girl I was talking to a while back. She was in our music video. Why do you ask?" "Just at the Q&A during the 'Who's single?' question a girl asked me if you and Tatum finally made it official." "What did you say back?" "They must have! They are so cute together!" "I LIKE HER!" Jack yelled from the front.

"I don't know but I think we look cuter." Jonah said laughing. I wink at him and walk to the front of the bus where the rest of the boys were. "We're about to pop a movie in. Want to join?" Daniel said patting the seat next to him. "Well that depends. What movie?" "It" I wince at that. "I am actually deathly afraid of scary movies. I'm more of a 'The Notebook' kind of girl." All of their jaws drop. "What?" I turn to look at Jonah confused but his jaw is also dropped.

"What did I say?" "Nothing, it's just I said the exact same thing." "Oh, so you're a 'The Notebook' kind of girl too?" All the boys start laughing and then I politely decline the movie invitation and head back to my bunk. Jonah follows me and sits in his. "Two days of dating and now we're living together. We don't really follow the rules, do we?" I said facing my handsome boyfriend. "The rules don't apply to us baby." "Well if you'll excuse me, I'm about to watch every video of 'Why Don't We' ever posted online." His eyes go wide and then suddenly he's climbing in my bunk.

I pull out my computer and log on to YouTube. "What should we watch first?" I say ignoring his pleas not to. "Ooh, 'Trust Fund Baby' let's watch that." I put one earbud in and hand the other one to Jonah. "Is that her?" I say pointing to a pretty girl pitching a softball. "Yeah. That's Tatum." "Dude, she's so pretty. I'm a better pitcher though." "You were a pitcher?" "Nah, first base mostly. It changed all the time." "I can't believe you played softball." "Oh yeah for like 15 years. Also, soccer, volleyball, basketball, track and field, I was on the bowling team for a couple years."

"Wow, you're amazing." I shrug "I know" he chuckles and kisses my temple. "So, what happened? She's like 3 million times hotter than me." "Oh, shut up, you're beautiful." I turn around and kiss him. "Thanks, but really. What happened? I'm very nosy." "Just didn't work out. Nothing dramatic." I kiss him again and close my laptop. "What? Bored with us already?" "Of course not. I just want to talk to you. Tell me something I don't know about you." "My name isn't really Jonah Marais." "I'm the worst girlfriend ever."

"Stop it, it is Jonah Marais, but Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich." "Aww I love that. It's so pretty." "You're so pretty." Then he kisses me. I love him. This is the moment I will remember for the rest of my life, the first time I have ever fallen in love. I'm so scared, part of me still feels like this is some kind of sick joke. "What are you thinking about?" he asked while he rubbed his thumb in soft circles on my arm. "Just you. How lucky I am to be here with you."

He kisses my foreheadand I start to fall asleep as he runs his fingers through my hair. I feel him shift and climb out my bunk, but I'm way too tired to stop him. I hear him talking to Daniel as he comes back to the bunks. "You ok man?" Daniel asks walking back. "Yeah, I'm just a little scared." "Of?" "I can see myself falling in love with her. I don't know how to do that." "Dude, she's into you. Don't sweat it." "You're right. Thanks man." At least I'm not the only one.

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