Chapter 20

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Jonah and I wake up the next morning with to both of our phones with tweets and texts. "Looks like we're officially public." I say looking at my phone. "I love you." He says pulling me close to him. "I love you too. You're not going to get bored of me now huh?" "You? Boring? Never." I kiss him then get out of bed to go shower. "Don't leave me." "I have to shower babe." "No, we need to be gross together. This is what you signed up for when you agreed to be my girlfriend." "You can join me." "Ok, we can be clean together I guess." I walk into the bathroom with Jonah following close behind.

Down in the lobby I'm hugging Sydney while my family looks on. "I'm going to miss you so much." "Why?" David says walking by us. "She's my best friend, duh." "She's also your new assistant." "What!" I look back at Sydney who's smiling and nodding and then we're both screaming and jumping. I hug my parents and siblings then Sydney and I run to the bus together.

"Oh, hey Sydney." Daniel says stunned to see her. "Hey Daniel." I walk over to Jonah and cuddle into his side. "They grow up so fast. Let's give them some privacy." Jonah and I walk over to my bunk and crawl in. "It's actually kind of nice to be back on the bus." I say "Really?" "Yeah, it's cozy." He cuddles closer into me. "I have to film a video tomorrow. Do you want to be in it with me?" "Making my big boyfriend debut?" "Only if you want to." "Of course I want to."

We make it to the next location, Houston, Texas, and Sydney and I help the crew unload the bus before heading inside to unpack ourselves. "Now I hate to get all business-ey on you but every day I need to you to meet me in my room for 8 am for the daily briefs. Then you will round up the band to brief them on that day's interviews." She nods, and I hand her room key over to her and then make my way to mine. Jonah is fast asleep, so I pull out my song journal and penned a new lyric to the song I've been working on. "What're you working on?" he says waking up and peering over my shoulder. I quickly shut the notebook and shove it under my pillow. "Nothing." "Then can I see it?" "No, not yet." "Is it a new song?"

"Yeah, it is." "I can't wait to hear it." "Go back to sleep superstar." He obeys and rolls over, his back facing me. I soon fall asleep as well, then I wake him up early, so we can film the video for my channel before I have to meet Sydney at 8. Jonah helps me set up the camera and lights and then after I sit on the ground, he presses record.

The Video

H- Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel! So, there has been some speculation about my love life in the press lately. Wow something I never thought I would say before. The most asked question I've gotten in the last four months is, 'Who is your boyfriend?' Well, you're about to find out. I thought it would be fun to do a Relationship Q&A because why not? So, without further ado, please welcome, my boyfriend, Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich!"

J- Hello!

H- So we're just going to answer some questions from Twitter.

J- Sounds easy enough.

H- Alright. When/Where did we meet?

J- March 29, 'Why Don't We' Meet & Greet.

H- Where was our first date?

J- Easy. I think it was called Sammy's and then we just drove around Baton Rouge. Where/when was our first kiss?

H- Same day as our first date and same place. Who said, 'I love you' first?

J- You did.

H- I did. But you felt it first.

J- True. When is my birthday?

H- June 16, 1998

J- Correct.

H- When is my birthday?

J- September 10, 1998

H- Yes!

J- I know my baby. What's my shoe size?

H- 11?

J- Nope. 12.

H- Damn it!

After about another half hour we finish up the video. "Alright guys! Thank you so much for watching. Make sure to like and subscribe. Follow me on all of my social media, I will also have all of Jonah's information linked below, please follow him if you haven't already. I love you guys and will see you next week. Bye!"

I shut the camera off and turn to Jonah. "We did it." "We did it." He pulls me to him and I cuddle into his chest. "It's happening. Are you going to be ready for this?" "As long as at the end of the day I can be held by you, nothing else will ever matter." "I'm so in love with you, it's crazy." "Ditto babe. Ditto."

I stay up late editing the video while Jonah slept beside me. His thumb absentmindedly rubs circles on my thigh, which starts making me feel sleepy. "Jonah, stop. I need to finish editing this." I whisper. "Get some sleep. Plus, I need cuddles." I close my laptop and Jonah pulls me close to him as I place it on the ground. "Did you finish editing?" he says sleepily.

"No, not yet. It was a lot of good footage." He was already asleep again so there was no reply. I was slowly drifting off to sleep when I heard Jonah mumble something. "I love you Hannah. Will you marry me?" I instantly start to panic and fall asleep after several hours of me just staring at the ceiling.

The next morning I wake up to Jonah staring straight at me. "What? Is there something on my face?" "No. You're just so beautiful." I blush and then cuddle deep into his chest. He kisses the top of my head. "Do we have to do a show tonight? I just want to stay like this forever." I say into his chest. It comes out muffled but he knows what I said.

"I do too. But we get to cuddle all the way to Minnesota." "Way to calm me down. I'm terrified to meet your family." "Why?" "What if they hate me?" "Shut up. They're going to love you." "How do you know?" "Because I love you. Also, they already told me they love you." "How do they know about me?" "Esther is subscribed to your channel. And was since before we even met."

"Aww really? I'm still scared." "You're insane." "Maybe so, but it's different to meet subscribers then your boyfriend's family." He kisses my forehead and I instantly relax. "I love you." "I love you too superstar, also can we talk about what you said last night?"

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