His Twin Brother

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finally got my birthday present from you guys :)) happy that i finally got it but i wish it was sooner I'VE BEEN DYING TO UPLOAD!!!!

here's the next chapter :)

Tristan’s POV:

I growled as I looked down at Matthew. He was looking everywhere but at me and I had to say he was sexy. I smirked, “You’re so slutty.” I whispered against his ear. A shiver ran through his body. We were laying in front of the door. I couldn’t stop myself not after he confessed that he loved me too. I just couldn’t.

And it was worse because he was shifting trying to cover his hard on. I just wanted to rib off those tight briefs and take him. I doubt he remembered that he was half naked already. So beautiful. His cheeks were red and I just couldn’t help but to kiss them.

“S-Stop.” He pressed his hands against my chest. I looked down at him to see his whole body turning red.

“I just want to look.” I said as I rubbed him through the fabric. Matthew gasped as he hands rushed to stop my hand. “Please.” I begged knowing that he couldn’t say no to me when I begged. Matthew looked at me with scared green eyes and I felt bad but I needed this. I needed to see my Matthew. Slowly his hands retreated and I smiled kissing him softly on his forehead.

I pulled his underwear slowly off until they were at his ankles and there he was. Naked and just breathtaking. I thought I would be disgusted to see another naked guy with a hard on with pre-cum leaking from his tip but if anything it made me even harder.

I looked back up to Matthew’s face to see his eyes close and I smiled softly. I just wanted to tease him longer. I touched his arms softly feeling him tense under my touch and slowly relax. I pressed myself against his ass and Matthew gasped his eyes opening looking like a deer in front of car headlights.

“J-Just give me a second.” I begged him holding his hips thrusting him against me. He bit his bottom lip. He was watching me though and I-I just….

“What the hell!” I felt myself frozen and I just wanted to die. I was so into what I was doing that I didn’t hear the door open but there was Matthew’s uncle glaring at me like he wanted to kill me and skin me alive.


“So you got caught.” Chase shook his head as he sported a black eye. It was getting better but you could still see it. I glared at him thinking about how he would feel about a broken nose.

“Yeah he said I am not allowed to be near his nephew.” I wanted to just die. Not only did it make it worse that he was moving but now I can’t spend any time with him. Chase looked at me for another moment before leaving probably to find Darien. Whatever was going on with them I didn’t want to know. Why could they be happy and not us.

I sighed and got up and went to my shower. I passed Darien’s room to see him on the phone no sight of Chase so I guess he did leave. I closed my door and stripped my clothes and went into my bathroom. I relaxed at once when the hot water touched my skin.

I moaned as I closed my eyes picturing the look Matthew had on his face. I wanted to make love to him. I wanted to fill him with myself. I wanted to see what kind of face he would have on when he cam. My hands went down south and I hissed as I grasped myself.

‘T-Tristan.’ I could just see it. I moved my hand faster.

“D-D-Damn it!” I growled moving faster. I could just see Matthew being a total slut. Begging for me to do him harder and faster.

‘M-More! Ahh!! Sooo goooood!!’ I opened my eyes to see that my hands were dirty. I felt my body heat up. I’ve been trying not to masturbate but I was going crazy! I washed myself trying not to think about Matthew.

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