I Never Liked Losing

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Who knew high school had bullies. That’s what I thought as I was pushed harshly into a row of lockers. It was my second week at East Break High and already had a bully, Chase. Chase was….annoying to put it blankly. I didn’t know why he picked on me but he did and so did his friends expect for two of them. They would just stay in the back while they watched.

They looked like twins though. One was shorter than the other with short brown hair and these hazel eyes. One looked more girlish while the other one was all muscle like he did track or basketball. “Chase needs to back off.” The girlish twin growled at his brother who just shrugged as he looked at me. I mean he was looking me dead in the face.

“What you looking at fag!” Chase growled getting in my view of the taller twin. Chase was a tall boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. The boy next door, the golden boy, and the homophobe bully. I remember the first time I saw him he was pushing a gay freshmen’s head in the boy’s toilet almost drowning the poor little boy. And of course I was caught. Chase glared at me and dropped the freshmen and rapped his hand around my neck.

“Don’t you fucking dare speak of word about this. Or you’ll,” he points to the empty toilet, “Won’t be so lucky.” He growled and I frowned. He was nice looking but seriously? Did he hate us that much to kill us?

No not really. The girlish twin made it quite clear that he batted for the same team but I was pretty sure that his twin brother was protecting him, “Leave him alone Chase.” The twin stood up for me getting in between me and Chase. He looked fierce and kind of scary even with his small frame and standing in front of a much larger threatening man. “Back off.” He growled.

“Little fairy wants to stand of up for the other fairies now huh?” he lifted up a blonde brow smirking. He opened his mouth to say more until the other twin got in the way.

“Chase leave Darien alone.” He stood in front of his brother. Darien pushed past his brother, “Darien.”

“Shut up Tristan I can stand for myself and you!” he pointed his finger right in Chase’s face, “Grow up and stop acting like a middle schooler. We’re in high school now grow up.” He growled and then turned around to face me. His face soften when he looked at me, “Hey. I’m Darien. Nice to meet you.” he held out his hand and I frowned looking at it before nodding at him. He frowned and dropped his hand, “And you are…?”

Everyone was quiet even Chase and I shook my head, “He doesn’t talk.” Tristan spoke up for me and Darien frowned. “Don’t look at me he’s in most of my classes and he doesn’t say a word.” He shrugs not even bothering to look at me. It didn’t hurt my feelings though. I’m pretty sure if it was up to him he wouldn’t have defended me but I was used to that.

While everyone was asking him questions about how what Tristan meant about me not talking I took my leave. I didn’t like all this attention nor did I want it. I went to my last block; gym. “So you the new student?” I nodded as I stood in front of a normal size man. He had a black gote on his dark face. He frowned staring at me with his black eyes, “Well I don’t have any extra gym clothes and I’m not going to force you to run in your clothes so I’ll let you sit out this week but next week expect to be running with the rest of the class.” He said and blew his whistle. I sat on the bleachers and watched as the students ran in the black shorts and ugly yellow t-shirts but that wasn’t what was bothering me.

Chase and Tristan locker room playing around in the same uniform as the rest of the class. Chase had Tristan in a neck hold grinning like an idiot while Tristan tried to pry his best friend’s arm off of him, “You are an idiot just like that twin of yours.” Chase laughed when Tristan pulled away.

“Whatever man. Just leave Darien alone you two just need to steer clear from each other.” Tristan said in a serious tone. Chase rolled his eyes and stretched letting his shirt roll up just a little pit for a person to see his perfect abs. “I’m not joking man leave Darien alone.”

“So what if he’s with the other fairies around school especially that mute one,” as he said that his eyes found mine. He glared at me. “See look at the fag he’s checking me out.” He growled. Tristan frowned and looked at me shaking his head.

“Leave him alone.”

“What you saying I can’t mess with him either? Man you’re taking all my fun away.”

“I’m not saying that. Just if Darien is around, back off.” Chase smirked.

“You hear that mute fairy?” Chase said towards me and I really had the need to tell him that his lame nickname for me was pretty stupid but of course I was mute. I wasn’t going to begin talking just cause a bully called me harsh names. I shook my head and looked at him with pure disgust. He reminded me so much of my father. The same look and the same hatred in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at my sweatshirt. I sat there the whole hour in silence looking up to see Tristan running the way his muscles ripped underneath the ugly yellow t-shirt. He had this determination in his hazel eyes as he ran faster than all the rest of the class. Chase was right on his tail sometimes pasting Tristan but only to be right back behind him.

I found it quite inserting but once the whistle was blown Tristan began to slow down. He and the rest of the class all stopped allowing their sore muscles to finally to rest. Tristan looked up and his eyes found mine. I didn’t look away though maybe because he didn’t look away either. I wasn’t going to be the first one to turn though.

Chase was frowning and waving his hand in his face but he didn’t stop staring at me and I did the same. Not until Chase glared at me. I sighed and looked away.

“How was school?” Victor asked me once I got in the car. He’s been asking me that every day and just like every other day I just shrugged, “Made any friends?” I shook my head and sighed leaning my head against the cold window. I was tired. So very tired.

Victor shook me wake, “Matthew we’re home.” I yawned and opened my eyes to see that we were home. I sighed and got up walking to the door that was locked. Victor sighed and opened the door for me, “Dinner will be in an hour or two.” Victor said as he closed the front door behind him. I didn’t understand why he had to inform me all the time or even bother talk to me when he knew that I would never reply.

I looked at my uncle. He must have been feeling very upset and alone with dealing with me over the years. I don’t blame him. I don’t know how he could stand being near me but he did and I was thankful for that. Even if I didn’t voice it out. I nodded and he turned towards the kitchen while I went to my room. I started my homework and then took a long shower. A much needed one at the most.

I couldn’t stop thinking about how I was the first to look away.

 I never liked losing.

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