I'll Protect You

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I was shocked to have Matthew in my arms crying.  I was more shocked that I was the one to help him. I didn’t think about it I just did it.  My body moved by itself and next thing I know I’m comforting Matthew. He was still shaking and breathing hard. I was glad he stopped screaming because damn it boy had some lungs! I don’t know what happened but I knew one person who would. Chase. I picked up Matthew which was not that hard really because he weighed like my book bag. He hid his face in my chest and I couldn’t help feel sort of honored.

No one trusted me or anything like this. Not even my own twin trusted me but this complete stranger trusted me to protect him, “I’m here for you.” I promised and leaned and putting my face in his hair. His body tensed as I took a whiff of him. I couldn’t help it, he smelt like flowers. Spring. I shook my head and walked out the bathroom and to the nurse.

The nurse was sitting at her desk reading a teen magazine. She had long red hair with bland eyes. “What happened?” she dropped the magazine and rushed over to Matthew checking his pulse.

“He’s fine. I don’t know what you would call it….but I think he had a uh melt down?” I looked down at Matthew who was watching the nurse with careful eyes as she touched him checking him. He looked up at me with red eyes and leaned into me. I think he was tired. “I think he just needs to sleep.”

“Ok. Well he seems fine. I’ll just call his-” the nurse stopped when Matthew shot up shaking his head. I frowned and so did the nurse. He looked at me with pleading eyes. I sighed shrugging.

“Don’t worry about it. I am good friends with his uncle I’ll inform him myself after school when I take him home.” He nodded and patted my shoulder telling me to put him down. I did holding his forearm just in case he fell.

“Ok well I’ll just write you a pass.” The nurse said as she took a piece of paper and looked at the time.

“No need. I have a free block right now. See you later Matthew.” He didn’t seem to pay me any attention as he laid on the bed in the next room with his back towards me. I don’t know how I should fill about this but I didn’t feel hurt in the lightest. I was used to being used then thrown away.

Once I left I was searching for Chase. He needed to learn when I told him not to touch Matthew I meant it. I couldn’t find him and for a second I thought he left but then I figured he was in the back smoking. And of course I was right. He was sitting on the hood of his car smoking with his shirt off. He tilted his head smirking, “Hey.”

He was playing with me. I could see his muscle ripping underneath his skin and his jaw was set tight but he relaxed slowly, “Why so uptight? Something happened to Darien?” he asked me taking a long drag and blowing it into my face.

“I told you to leave him alone.”

“Who? Lately you’ve been telling me to leave a lot of fags alone and I’m sorry to say this but I can’t remember which who not to bother anymore.” He said not looking at me anymore.

“I’m talking about Matthew.”

“Oh. Him.”
“Yes him!” I shouted not knowing that I was so upset. I didn’t mean to be but damn it, it pissed me off when someone messed with something that was mine! “I don’t want you near him Chase. At all. Don’t speak to him. Don’t look at him. Stay away from him.” I growled and Chase smirked.

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