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When Vic came back he came in my room smiling sweetly, “He’s cute.” I blushed shaking my head, “He likes you.” he added and I wanted to tell him that no he didn’t. He just wanted to protect his brother’s new friend. “Did you eat?” he asked and I nodded. Even though I didn’t.

I wasn’t really hungry….well I was hungry but not for food. I was hungry for Tristan.


“Matthew?” I frowned from the soggy eggs to see Vic frowning as he looked at the sink window, “Are you expecting a guest this morning?” he asked and just then the doorbell rang. “I’ll go answer it. You finish your food.” He said as I scrunched up my nose in disgust at the soggy eggs. Don’t get me wrong I loved my uncles cooking. But he sucked at making eggs. I could see the milk in it. “Matthew-”

“MATTHEW!!!” I jumped at the sudden force that pressed against my back. Darien smiled at me making me frown. Why was he here? “We’re picking you up.” He smiled as if he could read my mind.


I looked passed him to see Tristan standing by the kitchen door looking at his brother then he must have felt me staring at him cause he looked up at me and nodded. He looked amazing. I felt my cheeks heat up, “Aww so cute!” Darien got in my view, “You’re glad that I came right?” he asked me and I frowned and rolled my eyes. Darien was weird.

“Let him finish his breakfast,” Tristan said shaking his head at his twin’s behavior. Darien frowned and was about to open his mouth to say something but Tristan beat him to it, “I told you that we left home early but who wanted to come early? You. So we have to wait until he’s finish his breakfast.” Tristan said shaking his head.

“Oh don’t worry about it,” Uncle Vic said smiling. “Do you guys want breakfast? We still have some more homemade banana bread.”

“Homemade?” Darien asked as he eyed the bread and smelling it, “It smells amazing.”

“We wouldn’t like to be a bother. We should have called.” Tristan glared at his brother who was trying to make a grab for the bread.

“Oh whatever take as much as you like. It’s so quiet, it’s good to have some sound going on,” it was like a slap in the face but I knew that once Vic saw my face he knew what he just said, “I-I d-didn- I’m so sorry Matthew.” I could see the hurt reflected in my eyes in Vic’s. Suddenly the nice atmosphere was awkward and cold.

I got up and rushed up to my room. I knew Vic hated that I was mute. But I-I j-just couldn’t. If he heard his voice he might hate me just like my parents. I didn’t want to be hated. I just wanted to be loved. Was that too much to ask for?

“Matthew?” I looked up from my pillow to see Tristan standing at the door. He was wearing a black button up with it wide open with a white tank top underneath and jeans. He looked amazing. I blushed when he frowned, “What’s wrong?” I shook my head covering my face with my pillow and silently screamed in it.

Why did after yesterday I was looking at Tristan like a horny dog. “Just tell me. I’m a good listener.” He said. I felt the bed go in and then I could smell his breath. God he was soo close. His breath smelt like peppermint. I looked up just a little to see his hazel eyes, “Hey.” I could see a little glint in them that made my face heat up.

I waved a little and Tristan just smiled pulling away shaking his head, “Ok. Let’s go. I don’t want to be late for school.” He said as he held out his hand. I blushed as I took it.


Like Tristan promised he was with me every second of the day. It was weird because even though he wasn’t with his friends, his friends found him and surrounded him like moths to a flame. I frowned as I stood at my locker with a crowd all around me. Tristan was right next to me smiling at his friends and a few girls who were flirting way too much.

I started to feel uncomfortable and took it as my cue to leave. He wouldn’t miss me. But little did I know that Tristan was paying attention. He grabbed my arm frowning, “Where are you going?” he asked softly even though all his friends were listening anyway.

I frowned and pointed to the bathroom and he nodded, “I’m coming too.” He said and was about to say bye to his friends until a girl grabbed his arm.

“The little boy can go to the bathroom by himself Tristan baby.” She batted her fake eyelashes at him. Tristan frowned, “He’s a big boy.” she added and looked at her girlfriends for some help. They all nodded and sent nasty glared towards me. I got the hint.

Tristan looked at me and I nodded saying that I was fine by myself. I left and walked away from the crowd and walked towards the bathroom. I tried to ignore the sick look Chase gave me as I left. I walked into the empty bathroom and went into the stall and did my business.

When I came out I saw Chase smiling at me sweetly, “Hey freak.” He said harshly. I frowned and closed my eyes and opened them. I wasn’t going to let him scare me. I went to the sink and washed my hands, “You look happy.” He said looking at me in the mirror. I shrugged not daring to look at him.

Chase laughed, “Scared?” he put his hand on my shoulder making me job. He smirked, “Remember the last time we were in the bathroom together?” he asked me. How could I forget? I had a scar thanks to him. I glared at him and Chase smiled softly.

“I’m taking it that you do.” he smiled softly and his grip on me was tighter. He pushed me away from the sink and banged me against the bathroom wall. I could feel the impact and this horrible ringing sound. Chase slapped my face forcing me to stay awake, “Don’t want you to miss a second of this.” The look he gave me made me sick, “Hey guys,” he said a little louder and then the bathroom door opened and in came two huge guys who could not be students.

“These are some friends of mine. I want you give them a warm welcome ok?” Chase nodded my head as if I was agreeing. I  opened my mouth to say something but I didn’t know what to say but I guess the look on my face got the message out for me, “I guess you are wondering why?”

Why me? What have I ever done to you Chase to make you hate me so much? Well I’ll tell you,” he glared at me as he ripped my hoodie with a pocket knife. “Freaks like you. I hate them. I hate you. You shouldn’t have been born. You ruin everything.” He spat at me throwing me towards the two large guys. Their hold on me was tight.

Chase stared at me a little bit and I could see something cross his face. “Just beat him up a little bit.” He said softly before he turned to leave.

I wanted to scream. Scream for help. “P-Please.” I said so softly and Chase for a moment and for a mere second I thought he was going to tell the guys to drop me but he walked out the bathroom.



first question how many of you guys hate me? are you guys shocked or did you expect this?

do yu guys hate Chase?

Who's shocked that Matthew talked?

I want you guys to answer the questions for the next chapter PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! and thanks for reading and don't forget to vote please!!! and THANK YOU :))

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