He's Dying

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Tristan’s POV:

I smiled softly as I walked into the hospital with flowers. “Did you hear about the little boy in room 342?” I heard a nurse whisper to another nurse. I frowned. Wasn’t that Matthew’s room? I turned around to see the two young nurses.

“Yeah it’s such a terrible thing. The doctors said that’s its pretty bad.”

“Is there anything they can do?” the other nurse asked and the other nurse opened her moth to answer but I was already in her face.

“What you mean Matthew you right? Bleach blonde hair and green eyes right?!” I shouted grabbing the woman by the shoulders shaking her. She looked frighten but then controlled herself.

“Yes sir.”

I felt sick and let her go before rushing to his room.

The way they were talking it made it sound like he was about to die.

Matthew couldn’t die!

I slammed open the door to see Matthew sitting on his bed sleeping. Victor looked up at me and smiled but then he face dropped, “Tristan?” I rushed passed him to Matthew shaking him awake, “Matthew.” I said softly as I shook him gently. I wanted him to open his green eyes and look at me with loving eyes.

When he didn’t wake up I started freaking out, “Matthew!!”

“Tristan stop it! He’s had a hard day!” Victor shouted and I turned my anger to him glaring at him.

“What’s wrong with him!” I shouted. What kind of boyfriend lets this go on for so long without knowing what happened, “I need to know the truth. Not another lie.” I said before he told me another lie like he did before. Victor looked at me and shook his head. “I have the right!”

Victor glared at me, “This isn’t about you Tristan! Just because Matthew loves you doesn’t mean shit to me. And even if you do have the right to know this isn’t about my life. Matthew will tell you in due time.” He said harshly and I felt so pissed off that I was seeing red.

The only thing stopping me was the fact that he looked like Matthew and that he was Matthew’s uncle. “And don’t think I forgot about us moving. Nothing has changed. Nothing.”


I was too pissed off to visit Matthew for a few weeks. I couldn’t do it. Not when Victor was there to rain on my parade. But Daniel made it very clear yesterday that I would have to fight for Matthew. If I didn’t want him to move then I had the right to stand in Victor’s way.

“So Victor hates your guts right?” Daniel asked from behind me as Chase drove to the hospital. I sighed nodding not wanting to his voice. “I knew it! I told Chase and he was like ‘nah’.” I could hear the smug look in his voice. How could they be happy and not have a problem while my problem was filled with lose and heartache.

Why did they get the easy life?

“Yeah and aren’t you letting homophobe Chase fuck your ass?” I snapped and Chase almost drove off the road. Daniel glared at me.

“W-W-Wha…h-ho-how d-d-did-?”

“Oh shut the fuck up! Of course he would know with you fucking moaning like a fucking virgin.” Daniel snapped and I laughed because he was always a controlling bottom. Chase blushed shaking his head while Daniel glared at me.

“Yep bet I didn’t know that, did ya?”

“I knew that you would figure out sooner or later.” He said and I just shook my head.

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