Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Anger and pain flowed from the Labyrinth. It almost crippled Jareth as he flew over, as it almost matched his own. Garen would pay for this. The last attack on the Labyrinth must have been to try and find a weakness, but Garen was in for a surprise.

Already below him the Labyrinth was preparing itself. Walls, traps, and horrors were quickly being created and put into place. Garen's men would not last long once inside the Walls. Of course, Garen it seemed could care less about his men. More than likely he was hiding behind his forces or had run off somewhere else to prepare. Jareth was like his father. He fought with the troops instead of standing behind them, but to end this war he had to actually fight in front of them.

Dust and smoke rose above the area of the Outer wall that had fallen. Jareth had no doubt Wilhelm and Alaric's forces were doing their best to prevent anyone from actually entering the Labyrinth. Ollie's goblins were probably baricating the City Walls. He wouldn't want to be an enemy solider facing the no doubt angry Goblin Army.

As he neared the damaged wall, the smoke and dust became thicker. Using a small amout of magic, Jareth casted a spell to allow him to breathe. Otherwise, it would choke him. Barely through the smoke, he could see the battle raging below. Garen's forces were pushing hard, but his forces remained strong.

Slowly, he flew through, casting an invisiablity spell quickly. As he exited the smoke, below him he noticed the tiny barely held together tents. Garen couldn't be move cruel to his men. There seemed to be no remancies of campfires as well. Most armies didn't use magic on food. It was better to actually cook than waste the magic. At least, that's what his father had taught him. More than likely his grandfather had taught his father the same.

As he neared the edge of the campground, he would have shaken his head at the massive opulent compound Garen had created for himself. Already, he could tell that Garen was not inside the Compound. No, he had headed somewhere that he felt gave him an advantage, and Jareth knew exactly where he had gone.

Flapping his wings, Jareth headed towards the distant mountains. Garen no doubt had a plan in motion, but Jareth knew Julian would not be too far behind. Now if only he could be sure that his friend would keep Sarah away.


Quickly, Sarah walked as fast as she could with Elwyn, Vivienne, and Julian chasing her.

“Sarah, I really don't think this is a good idea.” Vivienne pleaded with her.

“I refuse to just stand still and do nothing.”

“Sarah, please. I understand, but you can't put yourself in danger. Jareth needs his mind on facing Garen and not on worrying about you.” Julian gently grabbed her arm, causing her and everyone else to stop.

Turning to face him, Sarah frowned. “Julian.”

“Sarah, I promise I'll bring me home alive, but it will take some weight off of his shoulders if you stay here. You're protected within the walls. Not even the City is safe enough for you right now.”

Elwyn nodded. “It's true, Your Majesty.”

Sarah glared at Julian. “Fine, but get me the General in charged of the Army in the City. It's time that the Army and Militia work together.”

Julian sighed. “I'll get him before I leave. Just please wait in the study.” He glanced at Elwyn. “Protect her with your life, Elwyn.”

Elwyn nodded as Julian disappeared.

Vivienne took hold of Sarah's hand. “Come on. It'll take sometime for Ollie to get to us. No doubt he's getting his troops ready.” She began to lead Sarah back to the study.

“He better come as fast as he can.”

Thunder clashed over head.

Vivienne sighed. “He'll come, Sarah. No one would dare not obey a command from you.”

“You and Julian did.”

“Because we're family, and we're worried about you and the baby.”

Sarah sighed as Vivienne lead her back into the study. “We better get a move on. I don't want anyone reaching the Castle.”

The others nodded as Sarah moved to sit behind the desk.

“I refuse to let him win.”


Jareth landed in a tree near a cave high in the Mountains. Below he could see a few guards clearly Garen's patrolled back and froth in front of the entrance. He would have to deal with them first, without alerting Garen, who no doubt was inside the Crystal Cave.

Of course, Garen would try and use the Cave to his advantage, but Jareth could use the crystals as well to help him. Glancing at the guards below him, Jareth quickly conjured up the image of a massive ogre off to the side of the entrance, just out of sight of the guards. He gave it a club and rusty armor. They would think it was just a random ogre; after all they did live up here. Slowly, it moved towards them bellowing and raising its club. The guards rushed towards it, just as Jareth hoped. Once they got close enough, both the image and the guards disappeared. Jareth chuckled to himself. They were no doubt calling themselves fools and trying to get out of the Bog of Eternal Stench.

Gracefully, Jareth floated to the ground transforming into back into his true self, clad in full armor and carrying his sword. Glancing around to be so no other guards remained, Jareth made his way into the cave to finally put the threat to his family to an end.

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