Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Outside the Castle Beyond The Goblin City, there was a celebration. Goblins hung from almost everything, most holding a tankard of ale. There was loud music raising from around the fountain in the center of the city. From high above, Sarah could see a few goblins dancing as best they could to the music. Inside the Throne Room, it was quieter. Oh, music was playing inside the room, but nothing like the lively happy music drifting inside. There were a few people she didn't know, but she had over heard from Vivienne, that they were some of Jareth and Vivienne's second cousins.

Sighing, Sarah glanced back into the room. Toby was sitting with Hoggle and Sir Didymus to the side. Jareth was walking around the room at a slow pace, thanking everyone, at least that's what she thought. He wasn't staying with each group, and it seemed his gaze never left her. She didn't want to think about tonight. More than likely there wouldn't be, well a real "wedding night." She might very well spend the night with Toby instead. He hadn't exactly explained what was going to happen tonight.

She felt alone. There was a decent amount of people in the room, but she still felt so alone. She had always thought at least her dad would be here. Sarah could feel the tears beginning to flow, quickly she turned back towards the window. She lifted the handkerchief that Vivienne had handed her before leaving her outside the doors, to her eyes. A few moments later, she heard the sound of boot heels coming towards her.

A hand rested on her shoulder. "Sarah?"

Sarah tried to hold back the tears as she turned to face Jareth. "I'm fine."

He looked at her with worry in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

She tried to smile, but the tears began to fall.

Jareth nodded and then glanced over his shoulder. "Excuse us a moment. We'll be right back." He formed a crystal orb in his hand and dropped it to the floor.

Sarah watched as the throne room disappeared and a bedroom she hadn't seen before appeared before her. She glanced at him with fear in her eyes, not wanting to even glance at the large bed.

He must have felt her stiffen up cause he smiled and began to massage her shoulder with the hand that was still sitting on it. "Relax, Sarah. I didn't bring you here for that. I figured you needed to get away from everyone for a bit."

Sarah took a deep breath and tried to gather herself as Jareth walked over to a table and pour water from a pitcher on its top into a glass. He then brought the glass over to her, and she gratefully took it. As she took a sip, Jareth sighed.

"What's wrong, Sarah?"

She lowered the glass. "I just started thinking about my dad, and..." The tears started to fall again.

Jareth wrapped his arms around Sarah. "Shh, it's all right. I've been thinking about my parents, too."

Sarah hiccupped as she laid her forehead against his chest, still holding the glass of water. "But you're not crying."

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