Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Jareth sat in the darkened room with only the warm, dim light of the fire for company. Julian and Vivienne had gone home hours ago, but he still sat awake; an empty shot in his hand. Far from drunk, Jareth leaned forward and placed the glass beside the decanter.

More than likely, Sarah was sound asleep in the next room. Another night on the sofa instead of a warm bed, his bed, but fairly soon he could hope to be in it again. After all he could only be a gentlemen for so much longer, but for it to be maybe somewhat easier, he just had to tell Sarah what she had really won five mortal years ago.

But Sarah was not the only thing keeping him up. He had received news. News that was far from the best. This war was more than just the refusing of Sarah as High Queen, but also of his rule. They dared to attack the Heart of the Underground, the Labyrinth. Dark magic was beginning to surround the land. The Goblins and the creatures of the Labyrinth had sent frantic word to their king, but there is little Jareth can do. He needs Sarah to stop and protect all that the Labyrinth is. If those fools attacked the Labyrinth's heart, the Underground would crumble.

Now there was no time to wait and give Sarah time. Her and Toby's safety came first. So now she must be told and their marriage had to be officiated as quickly as possible. Sighing, he stood up and walked to the door that separated him from her. Having already reordered time to allow Sarah to get more sleep, he could only wait. Turning back towards the sofa, he ran a hand through his hair. Today would not be fun.


The afternoon sun filtered into the Royal Library. Sitting in a rather comfy arm chair, Sarah nodded as Vivienne walked before her.

"Hmm, where to begin? You seem to have the basic of table etiquette. Were what you used last night normal behavior at a dinner table in your world?" Vivienne stopped and looked at her.

"Not really anymore."

"Well, you did fine. I also noticed that you followed our lead about things if you didn't know, which was a good idea." Vivienne thought for a moment. "I know, we'll begin at curtseying."

Sarah rose from the chair. "I already know how to do that." Sarah demonstrated for her.

Vivienne smiled. "Well, that's another thing down. I guess I just need to explain how a proper hostess behaves." Vivienne gestured to the chair, "sit back down, and I'll join you." Vivienne sat in the chair opposite her. "As I said before, a hostess remains with her guests until they retire or depart."

Sarah smiled and nodded. "I think I've got that."

Vivienne smiled. "Most won't be as nice as I nor Julian. Now let me see, what else is there?"

Sudden a knock came at the closed doors. Vivienne glanced at Sarah.

"Who could that be?" Vivienne stood up and walked over to the door. Turning the handle she cracked opened the door. "Jareth! What are you doing here? You know that Sarah's having her lessons." Vivienne opened the door more.

Jareth walked in and bowed slightly to Vivienne. "I'm sorry, Vivienne, but I need to talk to Sarah."

"Ah." Vivienne nodded and glanced back at Sarah. "We'll cut it short today. I'll think of what I can for tomorrow."

Sarah smiled. "Well, then see you tomorrow."

Vivienne nodded. "Till then." Glancing at Jareth quickly, she walked out the door, which Jareth shut behind her.

What was going on? Why would he call a lesson he recommended short? Sarah started to stand up.

"You might want to sit for this, Sarah." He walked over and stood behind the chair that Vivienne had just left.

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