Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Sarah paced back and forth, in front of the massive bed. Would this work? What if something went wrong? She stopped and took a deep breath. Was she truly ready? She knew he wouldn't hurt her, but that didn't mean she wasn't a bit scared.

Glancing out the windows, Sarah frowned. He would be here soon. This just had to go right. The table was set and dinner would be served as soon as they sat down. Sarah took a deep breath.

Thank goodness she had found the dark green gown she wore. Otherwise she would have had to wear that scanty thing with the way too low neckline. Yes, that neckline was fine for Jareth, but there was no way she was going to wear anything that low. No matter what Vivienne said.

The sun went lower in the sky. Soon the stars would slowly begin to come into view. She would need to be sure the candles were lit. Yes, Jareth could light them with a wave of his hand, but they needed to be lit before he arrived.

She walked over to where she had sat the matches down and picked up the box, opening it at the same time. Sarah pulled out a single match out and closed the box. Before she could even strike the match, the room filled with the soft light of candle light. Quickly, Sarah glanced around the room. There was no one else in the room. Vivienne hadn't said anything about the candles lighting themselves. At least, she didn't need to worry about the fire burning in the fireplace. The goblins had already done that.

Everything was as ready as it could be. Now she just needed to wait, and waiting wasn't going to calm her nerves any. More than likely it was going to cause her to become even more nervous. Sarah glanced out the massive windows. The candles on the table were lit as well, casting a soft glow to the silver threaded and white tablecloth. The stars were slowly beginning to twinkle in the darkened sky. Sarah took a deep breath. He would be here any minute now.

A knock came at the main entry door. Slowly she walked over to the door. After taking yet another deep breath, Sarah opened the door.

Jareth smiled softly as he walked into the room. He nodded at Sarah. "I've never seen this room look like this before. You've really out done yourself, Sarah."

Sarah could feel her cheeks getting warmer. "I didn't really do that much."

Jareth grinned at her. "Sarah, these have been my chambers for a very long time, and it has never looked like this. Of course, nothing is as lovely as you."

Sarah blushed even more. "Ah, dinner's ready."

Jareth tilted his head slightly. "Allow me to escort you then, My dear." He offered his arm to her.

Sarah kept reminding herself to breathe. Did he suspect what she was planning? Gently, she placed her arm through his. "Lead the way."

Jareth escorted her out the French windows and out to the balcony, all the while she forced herself to remain calm and to breathe slowly. Once they reached the table, Jareth released her arm before pulling out her chair.

Maintaining, a great deal of control and focus, Sarah sat down. Patiently, she waited as Jareth walked around the small table and joined her.

"What's the occasion for this, Sarah? Not that I don't mind not being the one to come up with something, but what exactly is running through that lovely head of yours?" He smirked at her.

Sarah took a deep breath, but she felt her face grow warm again. How was she going to make it through this, if every time she thought of what she had planned for later caused her to blush. "Nothing special really."

Jareth gave a nod, but the smirk didn't leave his face. "Sarah."

She glared at him. "Do I really need a reason?"

The smirk disappeared from his face, but didn't leave his eyes. "I wasn't saying you had alterior motives, Sarah. I'm just curious why you seem to have everything set and ready for a nice romantic night." He leaned forward slightly, the smirk gone from his eyes. "You finally realized it didn't you?"

Sarah kept as straight of a face as she could. "I have no idea what you're talking about?"

Jareth smiled at her. "Sarah." He reached across the table and gently took her hand. "You finally realized what I told you was true." He glanced around them. "I'm sorry, I ruined your plans for the evening."

Sarah wanted to groan, but she remained quiet. All right, so he had figured out something, but he had made no mention of the other. She closed her eyes. He would keep going on until she admitted it.

Taking a deep breath, Sarah opened her eyes. "All right, that's it."

"Well, I already knew, Precious, but having you finally say it," he gently squeezed her hand, "would be better than me realizing your plans and ruining them."

Sarah wanted to get out of her chair and run, fun as far and as fast as she could. Realizing it and having to tell him were to two very different things. Okay, maybe it was too soon to tell him. She hoped that she didn't look like a deer in headlights.

Jareth's face softened. "Sarah, I understand if you aren't ready yet. I won't force you to say anything. Now let's enjoy our dinner, and we'll see how things go."

Sarah nodded as Jareth released her hand.

Jareth smiled softly. "Relax, Sarah. I won't pressure you." He reached for the wine chilling beside the table.

"I ah, just ah, thought mm, I ah, was, err ready," Sarah mumbled as she turned to look at the view of the Labyrinth.

Jareth nodded slightly as he poured his and Sarah's wine. "You'll say it, Sarah. I have no doubt. Now, get your mind off of it. We'll talk of other things instead."

Sarah sighed. "You haven't realized it yet have you?" She turned back towards him.

"I already said I wouldn't pressure you. If I've realized anything more, I won't bring it up. If just telling me you love me is making things hard for you, then I don't want to bring anything else up, or you might just turn a bright red and run from the room." He sat the bottle back among the ice. "Now let's see what you prepared for dinner, shall we?"

Jareth raised the dome off of his plate, as did Sarah. He smirked at the meal sitting on the dish below. "This wasn't something I would think you would know about."

Sarah glanced at the two plates. "What are talking about?"

Jareth gestured towards the dishes. "This dish isn't something known in your old world. I'm guessing Vivienne had something to do with this."

"You know she did." Sarah took a deep breath. "Can we just eat?" She hoped he didn't see how nervous she was.

Jareth smiled slightly. "Sarah, I'm not upset. Relax and enjoy tonight."

Sarah nodded as she took a bite of her dinner. This was going to be a long night, and she still hadn't told him about her plans for later.

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