Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The early morning sun fluttered into the bedchamber of the Goblin King. It had yet to reach the massive draped four post bed. Softly a door to a wardrobe closed as Jareth placed a shirt over his arm, wearing a pair of dark pants and boots. He glanced over at the sleeping Sarah. She had been fast asleep, when he had returned last night, which had been a good thing. He hadn't been sure how they would decide who would sleep where.

Jareth slipped on the shirt as a single ray hit Sarah's wardrobe. There was no telling when Sarah would awaken. It was still rather early. Julian should already be waiting for him in his study. Even though last night had not gone as he would have liked, he still was exhausted.

Taking one last quick glance at Sarah, Jareth conjured a crystal orb. He would see her later in the day, hopefully. Tossing the orb in the air, Jareth transporting himself to his study.

He nodded at Julian, who sat in the arm chair in front of his desk.

Julian smiled. "Was wondering when you'd show up?"

Jareth walked to his desk. "Sorry, I needed the sleep."

"I know. Maybe Sarah will remind you that you need to actually sleep and not use magic all the time."

Jareth sat down at his desk. "We have much to talk about that has nothing to do with my wife." He closed his eyes as he said the last two words.

"It takes a while to get used to those words." Julian smiled at him again.

Jareth opened his eyes. "We are not discussing that. Now, I need you to know that you are my eyes and ears at the Palace, while I'm here."

Julian nodded.

"Thanks goodness, we came up with that secret code as children."

Julian shrugged. "It does come in handy at times. Doesn't it?"

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