Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Enough. Jareth had finally had enough. Garen had finally reached the end of Jareth's patience. The idiot had completely destroyed the Palace in his search for the Heart. Destroyed an ancient building that, well had only served as a decoy to the true seat of power.

Standing in front of the windows in the study of The Castle Beyond The Goblin City, Jareth looked out over the darkened Labyrinth. The Castle was silent except for the guards in the corridors. Jareth rested his forehead against the glass. The last few months had been difficult. With a wife who was pregnant and just learning magic, he had a lot more to worry about. Even though the last episode had even helped, Jareth didn't want to deal with another fire in the Labyrinth. At least, the rain before that hadn't been as dangerous.

Sarah was only six months along, and he was dreading the coming months. She was trying so hard, and he could see how scared she was. Robin, Rosina, and himself did the best they could to support her.

Vivienne had continued with training Sarah, but both she and Julian weren't fooling him. Yes, they were happy for him and Sarah, but he could see the hurt. He may be the High King, but he couldn't use his powers to help his cousin and friend.

Sighing, Jareth moved away from the windows. How best to deal with Garen? He couldn't allow him actually inside the Labyrinth, but he had to finish this. Walking towards the door that lead to his and Sarah's bedchamber, Jareth waved his hand causing the lone candle to extinguish. Rosina would reprimand him if he didn't get any sleep. As would Sarah. He didn't need his wife worrying more.

Opening the door, he groaned as he caught sight of his wife pacing the floor. She hadn't yet realized he was standing at the door.

"Sarah, what are you doing still up?"

She quickly turned to face him. "Shesh. Don't do that."

"What exactly do you mean?" He smiled at her.

"You know very well I didn't know you were there."

"And you knew where I was. Now why are you not asleep?"

Sarah sighed. "A lot is on my mind, Jareth."

Jareth nodded. "Leave Garen to me. I'm trying to come up with a plan."

Sarah placed her hands on her hips. "Oh, no you don't. You will not go off and do some duel or something."

Jareth took a deep breath. "That's not exactly what I had in mind."

"Well, I don't care!" She glared at him as she lowed her arms. "You are not allowed to go and get yourself killed. I can't do this on my own."

He almost groaned as Sarah began to cry. "Sarah, I'm not going to do anything rash. I promise."

She glared at him through the tears. "I mean it, Jareth, and don't say it's the hormones."

Oh, he knew better than that. It wasn't the hormones, well not completely. No, he knew she was worried. She hadn't been able to hide it.

"Sarah, I have to do something. I can not allow this to go on much longer." He took a breath. "I'm not upset over the Palace. All the servants there came here, when you did. It was just a decoy."

Sarah sighed as she wiped her eyes. "I know it was just a pretty decoy, Jareth. And that we need to stop him before he gets inside the Labyrinth."

"Sarah, what do you want me to do? I truly doubt he will find some way into the Labyrinth. It's protecting itself. It's gotten so bad that I've actually had to tell the Generals to not allow any troops inside its walls." Jareth frowned at her.

"Jareth, he's trying something. We both know something is killing the plant life."

"I have someone looking into that. I know he's trying, but both the Labyrinth and I are working to prevent him from getting to far."

"What if that's not enough?"

Jareth closed his eyes for a moment. Why did she have to voice his own fear? Yes, everything they were doing might not stop him from getting in the Labyrinth, but he would do his best to protect everyone. "We can only do our best, Sarah."

Sarah frowned. "I'm just worried and scared." Tears threatened to fall again.

Jareth walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. "I know." He rested his cheek against her hair. "You're not the only one, Sarah. I'm just a bit better at holding myself together."

"Huh, maybe."

Sighing, Jareth slowly released her. "Sarah, I understand more than you think, but we have to protect the Labyrinth and the Underground from Garen."

"I know that," She almost sounded like she was growling at him. "But we also have to be sure we're going to make it."

Jareth looked down at her. "I will not face him alone, Sarah. I don't trust him to play fair."

"And more than likely he will think the same about you."

"True, but we are the High King and Queen. We have more on our side that he knows."

Sarah shook her head. "What do you mean by that?"

Jareth sighed. He had forgotten to tell her. "Come take a seat on the bed. I need to tell you something."

Slowly, Sarah moved to the end of the bed. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

He waited till she sat down. "Has anyone told you the story of how the Underground was created?"

"It has something to do with Oberon, I think."

Jareth shook his head. "That's a lie. The truth is the Underground was created by an elf and a fae together. The odder thing is that the fae was my ancestor and the elf was yours."

Sarah vaguely nodded. "It would make sense the Fae wouldn't want it known an elf had helped create this place."

Jareth nodded. "We were meant to rule, Sarah.". He walked over to her and knelt down in front of her. "Together we have the bloodlines of the two most important families in the Underground."

"So when did you learn this?"

"Not long before Garen attacked the Palace. I only knew the different stories told by the races. You also have to remember I didn't realize who your father truly was."

Sarah sighed. "So this was all fate?"

"It seems like it. To me it seems fitting that we would be the ones to bring peace to the Underground."

Sarah smirked at him. "You would." She sighed. "Who all knows the truth?"

"You, me, your father, and the Wiseman, but I'm planing to reveal it once Garen has been dealt with. The hatred has to end."

"I agree." Sarah nodded.

Jareth sighed as he stood up and then joined her at the foot of the bed. "What ever happens we will face it together."

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