Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Sarah was officially bored. Bored out of her mind. Hell, at this point she was actually willing to run the Labyrinth again. She just wanted something to rescue her from the task she had volunteered to help with. How was she to know how dull it would be? No, wonder Jareth hadn't wanted to really look over them. Also, every few minutes she had to ask Jareth to clarify something.

Sitting with her back to the sofa's arm and with her feet tucked under her, Sarah glanced up at Jareth, who sat behind his desk. "I think I need a break."

Jareth looked up from the report he was reading. "What's wrong?"

Sarah almost wished she had something to throw at him. "You could have warned me about how boring this would be."

Jareth smirked at her. "You didn't ask."

Glaring at him with rage, Sarah moved her feet to stand up. "You could have also told me why exactly you didn't want to do this?"

Jareth remained at his desk, but the smirk disappeared. "It's going faster than if I had done it alone."

Sarah stood and faced him. Why the arrogant jerk. "I don't care if it's going faster."

Sighing, Jareth pushed his chair back. "I'm sorry, Sarah. Why don't we take a break?"

“Sounds good to me."

Jareth stood up and walked around his desk to her. "Now, what would you like to do for our break?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Sarah looked at him. "A walk. I don't know. Just something to get away from these horrible reports for awhile."

Jareth nodded. "A walk sounds good. We can take a quick walk in the Goblin City. Now is not the time to enter the Labyrinth."

"It's better than looking at these reports."

Smiling, Jareth held out a hand to her. "Let's be on our way."


The Goblin City was bustling. Goblin solders marched in the streets, while the everyday citizens went along with their business as normal as possible. The Goblin Market centered around the large fountain that stood in front of the gates was the most congested area in the City.

Sarah looked around the market stalls in shock. There had been not a sign to reveal that this even existed when she had run the Labyrinth. Some of the stalls looked as if they were miniature stores. It seemed like it would take only magic to move them their place.

Jareth looked at her. "What is it?"

Sarah shook her head. "I'm just in shock with all of this."

"It's a working city, Sarah. We just remove the market when we have a runner in the Labyrinth."

Sarah nodded. That was believable. "Still doesn't mean it isn't a shock to see it."

"True," Jareth nodded, "but did you really think that the goblins didn't need to buy or sell anything?"

"I actually never thought about it."

Smirking, Jareth lead her towards the market. "We'll take a look. Something might catch your eye. There are some rare times when there is actually something of note in the stalls."

Sarah followed beside him. "So there might be something really neat in the market?"

Reaching the first stall, Jareth nodded. "So look carefully."

The goblin inside the stall bowed slightly to his monarchs. "Welcome, Majesties. See anything you like."

Jareth nodded at him. "How has today been, Ophir?"

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