Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Sarah paced back and forth in front of the bed. The night before, she hadn't really noticed the room. With its dark shades of blue and silver fabrics and ebony woods, the damn room screamed of Jareth, more so than the room at the Palace.

Taking a deep breath, Sarah glanced out the window. The view outside was already darkening, but you could still see the Castle's dark shadow falling over the Labyrinth. It was well past six. Where was he?

She wasn't angry with him because he had the meeting with his generals and spent the day away from her to do whatever as King, he needed to do. Oh, no. She was angry because he said six o'clock, and it was almost seven. Sarah took another deep breath to try and clam herself as she stopped pacing.

A moment later, she heard a popping sound behind her. Turning herself towards the sound, Sarah almost laughed.

"You're late."

"Sorry, but it took a bit longer than I thought to get everything ready." Jareth looked a bit dishearten.

Sarah turned to face him completely, putting her hands on her hips. "You couldn't have sent me a note or something? You had me waiting almost an hour, Jareth."

He walked towards her. "I know, and I'm sorry."

Sighing, Sarah quickly blinked as she lowered her hands. "So how did the meeting with your generals go?"

"Fine. Ready? We have quite a bit to discuss tonight." Jareth stopped in front of her.

Sarah nodded. "Yes, we do."

"Sarah, if you need to speak to me, while I'm in my study, you won't be turned away. Although, I might not allow you into the room for certain reasons."

Sarah's eyes grew wide. "So I could have gone, instead of sending Hoggle?"

Jareth nodded. "Yes, if you need me for whatever reason, you can come talk to me."

"What about if you're having another meeting with your generals?"

Jareth sighed. "More than likely, I won't be having meetings with them in my study from now on. Also, I'll tell you where I'm going; unless it's something you're safer not knowing."

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