Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

People rushed around her in the room. Well, it really was just Elwyn and Vivienne. They had tired for at least the last half hour to find Sarah a gown. Every gown they had held up, the pair found something wrong. So they had unknowingly, well maybe not, forced Sarah to stand on a step stool in only a chemise.

Vivienne sighed. "Nothing works. Are you sure this is everything?"

Elwyn nodded. "Yes, Your Highness, this is all the gowns His Majesty had made for My Lady."

"None of these will do. Unfortunately, my gowns won't fit her."

"I could look at some of His Majesty's late Mother's gowns. They could fit her, but I have no idea where they are being stored at the moment."

"Hmm, that's a good idea."

Suddenly, the door to the sitting room opened a bit. The Seamstress's head popped into view.

"M'Lady, I've come with the last of the gowns His Majesty had commissioned for you."

Sarah didn't get a chance to talk, because Vivienne clasped her hands in front of her and all but yelped, "Wonderful. Bring them on in."

The Seamstress nodded. "Very well, Your Highness."

She opened the door fully. Then she and her apprentice pulled in a rack each of polished wood, filled with at least ten gowns each. They then placed them beside Sarah's wardrobe.

Vivienne looked over the gowns. "Well, these look much better than the others."

"The first gowns I brought for M'Lady, were quickly made and not to what is really required to a degree. These befit her much more."

With Elwyn and her apprentice's help, the Seamstress added the new gowns to the wardrobe. Then she and her apprentice pulled the racks out and closed the door behind them. Once it was closed, Vivienne and Elwyn attacked the wardrobe.

"Now these are more like it." Vivienne smiled in glee.

Sarah sighed. It was like she wasn't in the room at all. It was more like she was a doll to dress than a real person. Enough, she wasn't going to allow them to treat her like a doll. "Ah, hello, don't I get a say on what I'm wearing." Sarah stepped off the step stool.

Vivienne turned to face her. "Sorry, Sarah. Of course, you have a say. Come take a look at your new gowns."

Sarah walked over and began to look through the gowns. After a few minutes, she pulled out a gown of soft pale pink. It had a sweetheart neckline and capped sleeves. She held it out so Vivienne could see it. "What about this one?"

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