Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Sarah paced her bedroom floor. She was finally fed up with Jareth. The stupid idiotic man was just driving her crazy. He would do sweet things and just be plan sweet, but the hell with sweet.

Yes, she had thought for a brief moment he didn't want her, but that was old news. Now she wanted the stupid man to do more. Of course, he wouldn't do a damn thing unless she started is. Well, this Queen was about to kick a certain king's arse again.

A knock came at the entry door. She doubted very much it was Jareth. "Come in." Turning towards the door as it opened, Sarah tired to hid her frustration.

Vivienne's smiled disappeared when she saw Sarah's face. "What's wrong?"

Sarah groaned. "My stupid husband."

Vivienne walked into the room and shut the door behind her. "What has he done?" She walked over to Sarah.

Sarah sighed. "It's not so much what he's done, but what he hasn't done."

"Well, what hasn't he done?"

Sarah's face turned red. "Ah..."

Vivienne smiled slightly. "Ah, so that's it."

Sarah threw her hands in the air. "I don't know how to tell him I'm ready. Well, at least I think I'm ready."

Vivienne nodded. "I understand, Sarah. You don't know how to tell Jareth, and I guess a bit embarrass about the whole thing."

"Ah, yeah. I have no idea how to go on with it."

Vivienne nodded. "Understandable. Here it's almost like your Regency era about sex, but we're a bit looser with what is taught to our daughters. I do understand that your world has become a bit more relax about information on sex."

Sarah nodded in agreement. "That's true, ah ah I never really paid attention once the classes became more into abstinence. Romance novels don't give much in detail when it comes to ah the deed."

"So you have no idea at all?" Vivienne looked to be in shock.

"No, I have an idea. I just need help to get my husband to act more like a husband."

"All right, so you need to let Jareth know you're ready? And you can't wait for him to come to you."


Vivienne nodded. "So we need a plan to get the two of you alone. Ah, what about a romantic dinner for two?"

Sarah shook her head. "I didn't really want to do one cause well, I don't know. It didn't feel that special, I guess."

"It's the people that make it special, Sarah." Vivienne shook her head. "You're not giving me much to work with, either."

Sighing, Sarah began to pace, again. "Now you understand my dilemma."

"You know that's not going to help."

Sarah stopped and turned towards her. "I know, but what can I do?"

Vivienne sat down in the arm chair. "Sarah, I really don't know what to tell you."

"How would I know? The guy takes the lead in every damn romance novel I've ever read."

"I really need to read these romance novels. The most recent I've read from your world is Austen."

"Ah, she's at least two hundred years ago. Things have changed quite a bit since her time."

Vivienne nodded. "I would think so. From what you're saying I really want to read one of these newer romance novels."

"Wish I had some of my favorites in my pack that day. I'd lend you one."

Vivienne smiled. "Don't worry. I'll find a way to get us a few. Now, I still think a dinner for two is the right way to do it, but we'll need a few days to get everything ready. I suggest having it here in your chambers versus the dinning room. It's much more intimate."

"Still doesn't help with telling him." Sarah began to pace yet again.

"True, but it's a start."

"I don't think I could seduce him. I have no idea where to even starting."

"Kissing is always a good place to start. You have kissed him, right? You haven't been letting him do all of it, have you?"

Sarah stopped and looked at her. "Ah, yeah."

Vivienne shook her head. "Not good, Sarah. I told him to show he wanted you, but I didn't think to tell you that you had to do the same. He needs to know just as much as you do."

Sighing, Sarah walked over to her. "All right, that may be right, but I didn't have a clue where to start."

"I'm really glad I didn't have to worry about this when I got married."

"If we all could be so lucky."

Vivienne sighed. "Sarah, I know you're frustrated, so I'll forgive that. But you have to show him. I've had this feeling that there's also something. Have you told him you love him yet?"

Groaning, Sarah began to rub her temples. "I haven't." She lowered her hands. "Wait, how did you know?"

Vivienne smiled. "A young lady does not think about doing what you are unless she's in love. Well, I at least hope so, but you don't seem to be the kind who wouldn't."

Sarah walked towards her. "You mean like a lady of the night?"

"Not quite so crude. I was talking more about the women who use their bodies to get what they want."

"I hate women like that."

Vivienne nodded. "As do I." Vivienne smiled. "Were you planning to tell him, when you told him you were ready?"

"Ah, yeah, but you still haven't told me how you knew? Sarah glared at her.

Vivienne sighed. "It's obvious to me, but of course, I'm a woman. I'm also good at watching people. So I can't say if Jareth realizes it or not."

Sighing, Sarah sat down on the side of the bed near to Vivienne. "He's haunted me since I ran the Labyrinth, but we were barely in the same room with each other."

Vivienne nodded. "But you still compared every man you met to him, right?"

"Err, yeah." Sarah sighed. "I just wasn't really interested in anyone. I didn't want to go on dates. I just focused on school and Toby."

Vivienne's eyes grew wide. "Sarah, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you have a bit of Elven blood in you. That's exactly what happened to me after I met Julian for the first time. I didn't pay any attention to any of my other suitors. My parents realized what it meant and explained it to me."

"What did it mean?"

Vivienne smiled. "That Julian was my soul mate, but with you, I don't know. I know there are a few families in that world who still run strong with Elven blood."

Sarah thought for a moment. Could she be from one of those families? There wasn't much chance of that she was sure.

"But I could be wrong. Now we need to decide on what you'll wear and dinner. We don't need him too focused on the food and not you." Vivienne stood up. "Knowing my cousin, there has to be something in that wardrobe that'll work nicely. I'll take care of dinner."

Sarah glanced over at her wardrobe. "No, peaches, Vivienne."

Vivienne nodded. "No, peaches, I promise."

Sarah rose off the bed. "Well, let's get to work. I think this will take longer than today."

Vivienne turned towards her. "Maybe, but we'll find something before you send Jareth a note."

Sarah walked over to her wardrobe. Hopefully, it wouldn't take them long to find something. There were tons of gowns in there she hadn't even really looked at; so there was bound to be something that would be perfect in there.

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