Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Dark days were coming to the Underground. War was on the horizon. Those of the Court who were against a mortal High Queen were ready to declare war against the High King himself to prevent it. No matter that she had done as was required by the Ancient Law. They refused to believe a mere mortal child had solved the great Labyrinth. The only way the child could have solved it was if the High King himself had helped her. They believed the child was a witch or had at least at some point bewitched the High King.

Of course, all of this was false. The mere mortal child was not as mere as they thought. She was strong and smart, just what a High Queen needed to be. Not to forget she was hard headed and stubborn, which she would need to deal with the High King. Five mortal years ago, he knew that this could lead to war. Now it was getting closer and closer.

Sighing, the High King stood from behind his desk in his darkened study. Soon she would need to return and take her place, but he knew of the current state of her home life. There was no way she would leave her half-brother there alone to deal with the mess of his parents' marriage, but he could not bring the boy. He wanted to. Oh, how he wanted to. No child should have to witness that.

He walked over to the burning fire beside a leather sofa. For the last five years, he had used everything in his power to keep her safe from those who could harm her. There had already been a few assassination attempts against her, but they had all been stopped. She had grown into quite a beauty in the last five years. He could understand why men flocked to her, but she was his. HIS.

Her friends acted as spies for him. He also had goblins following her. The creatures seemed to like her a great deal. She had made a very good impression on the little critters. They spent most of their time causing her mischief, nothing too extreme, of course.

He rested a hand on the mantel. How would she react when she learned that when she had solved the Labyrinth she had in fact become his wife, his queen? How could a mere mortal child as they had called her cause him, a being of great strength and power, to act like a fool? Because even before she had wished away the child, he had fallen in love with her, much like all the High Kings before him. All had fallen in love with the woman who would be their queen before she had solved the Labyrinth. It made him wonder. Did any of them help their queen solve the Labyrinth? He hadn't helped her. In fact he had tried to stop her a few times, but somehow she had reached the center.

Shaking his head, he moved towards the windows. He could feel the lost and longing in her. She wanted someone to spend time with her. She wanted someone to help her with Toby. To be there to support her, since no one was supporting her. A slow smirk appeared on his face. He had used goblins, dreams, and anything else in his power to keep the foolish mortal boys, men away from his queen. She was his, even if she didn't know about it. No man, boy mortal or immortal would ever touch her. Any who dared to try to win her favor would be dealt with accordingly.

Dark clouds were forming at the edge of his lands. Those who wished war were gathering their magic against the Lands of the High King. He could feel the power crackling in the air. Lighting flashed in the clouds. Tonight he would bring her back to where she truly belonged.

He turned towards the door as it opened. In walked a dwarf. He looked at the High King.

"Her chambers are ready, Jareth."

Jareth nodded. "Good. I'm getting her tonight. We don't have much time left before the war will begin."

The dwarf shook his head. "I don't understand why they are fighting. The Law clearly states that once she solved the Labyrinth, she became your queen."

"I know that. You know that, but it doesn't matter to them, Hoggle. They refuse to allow a mortal to be the High Queen. They believe she's beneath them."

"Humph, the truth is she's above them all. She is more a lady that most of those walking and prancing around in your court."

Jareth smirked. "Oh, I know that. I wonder what will happen when they discover that little fact."

"Most likely they'll have a fit. I can't stand most Fae."

"I know that, but we both want to keep Sarah safe."

Hoggle sighed. "She'd be a whole lot safe, if she hadn't solved the damn Labyrinth."

"True, but then none of you would remember her."

Hoggle nodded. "But she would be safe."

Safe. Ha. Hoggle had no idea that she wasn't even safe, even without the fools who dared to challenge the Law. Her family was being torn in two. She was the only one protecting her half-brother from the fights of his parents, but who was protecting her?

Hoggle looked at his monarch. "What's wrong?"

Jareth shook his head. "Don't worry. Just be sure that the others are here. We're going to have a very upset High Queen when she arrives."

"Sir Didymus is already here. Ludo is as well."

"Good. She's going to need some friendly faces for awhile."

"Of course."

Jareth waved his hand. "Anything else to report?"


"Then you may go. I don't know exactly when we'll arrive."

"Very well. I so wouldn't want to be you when she sees you again." Moved out into the hall and shut the door.

Oh, how right the dwarf was. She was not going to be happy to see him, as far as he knew. There had been a few times over the years, when he had been watching her, that Sarah had actually tried to get him to leave her alone, as if he would or better yet could leave her. It torn at him to leave her in that mortal world, but now she would be where she belonged. Here with him.

Things were going as best as they could be. Now it was all up to how she reacted when she got the news.

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