Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

What the hell was going on? First, he wouldn't sleep in the bed, and now he wanted to find something for her to do? What the hell was the man thinking?! Find something for her to do. Ha, to get her mind off the War. Why the man was crazy. She didn't have the War forefront in her mind. No. She was more worried about him not getting enough sleep.

Standing in their bedroom, Sarah sighed as she looked out over the Labyrinth. She had so much on her plate already. Toby took quite a lot out of her, and Jareth took the rest. He hadn't touched her really since the night they had gone to the Heart.

All right, he said he loved her but hadn't done much to prove it. Well, okay, he had but not since they had gotten married. Okay, he did do the romantic dinner to make up for the almost day long meeting, but he hadn't kissed her. She really was starting to doubt he had ever slept in the bed with her. What the hell was going on?

Sarah moved away from the windows. Okay, he must think she was bored to think she needed something to do. She would have to talk to him about it. That is if she ever saw him today. She hadn't seen even a hair of him since he had walked out of this very room.

Taking a deep breath, Sarah rested a hand on the chair Jareth had sat in the dark. He and she really needed to have a nice long talk. She moved around the chair and sat down. Things needed to change, and they needed to happen as soon as possible. She needed to also deal with her feelings for him.

Sarah rested her head against the back of the chair. She had pushed dealing with them because of everything going on, but now she needed to deal with them, before anything else happened.

Since that night five years ago, he had haunted her day and night. She compared the few guys she had gone on dates with to him, and none of them could compare to Him.

Sarah released a breath. Did she love him? Ah, she barely knew him. Yes, she had married him, but that had been because there had been no choice. She might barely know him, but there were a few things she did know. He cared about his people a great deal, even the ones that were waiting to declare war against him. Probably cause of the wish-away children, he liked kids and seemed to care a great deal about them. Jareth would play with Toby as if he was just a normal dad playing with his kid. He'd be a great a dad. Sarah's eyes grew wide. Where the hell did that come from?

Sarah took a deep breath. She really didn't want to think about that. Right now she didn't need to even think about that. Slowly, she stood up. She refused to let those images even enter her mind. Walking back over to the windows, Sarah sighed. She looked back out over the Labyrinth. The dark clouds looked as if they were piling up on top of each other. That couldn't be good. Lightening flashed among the clouds.

A pop came from behind her. Slowly, she turned to face the sound. "We need to talk."

Jareth sighed. "I know." He looked past her. "They haven't given up."

"Can they see that?"

"Yes, but I doubt they know what they mean."

"Jareth, what's going on? Why aren't you getting any sleep?" She gestured towards the bed.

"Sarah, it has to do more with me than you."

Sarah frowned. "Is it you don't want me? You said you love me." Tears started to fall down her face. He had lied to her. She was so stupid for believing him.

Jareth walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

Sarah struggled against him, but he just held on. "Let me go, Jareth."

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