Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Sarah snuggled closer to the warm body beside her. She felt the body shift slightly and an arm wrap tighter around her. She didn't want to get up just yet. After last night and the early morning, she wasn't too keen on letting her husband out of the bed either. Although, she knew they would have to. Jareth and her were still King and Queen.

He shifted again, causing her to move her against his chest. Groaning, Sarah opened her eyes.

Jareth smiled at her. "Morning."

Sarah couldn't stop the smile forming on her face. "Morning."

"Although it pains me to say it, we have to get up, Precious."

Sarah groaned. "I know, but can we wait a bit longer?"

Chuckling, Jareth wrapped his arms around her drawing her closer to his side. "I don't see why not."

Sarah giggled as Jareth moved to lean over her. "What's so funny, Sarah?"

Smiling, Sarah wrapped an arm around his neck. "Nothing really."

Jareth returned the smile. "Hmm, maybe I need to do some investigating." He bent down and gently kissing her.

"Even though more than likely I would enjoy it, I don't think we have time right now." Sarah looked at him.

Jareth nodded. "True, but I can always investigate some more later." He began to bend down again.

Suddenly someone began to bang, not knock, on the outer door leading out into the hallway.


Jareth quickly pulled away from Sarah.

Sarah's eyes grew wide in fear. "That's Julian." This was not good.

Jareth rose quickly out of the bed, while waving a hand causing him to become fully dressed in his normal poet shirt and dark pants and boots. Without looking back, he quickly walked out into the sitting room.

Sarah heard the door to the hall open and then sound of Jareth and talking to someone. They talked quietly and quickly. She couldn't really understand what they were saying. Sarah shifted herself to the side of the bed and while holding the sheet to herself, made her way quickly to her wardrobe. After grabbing one of the few gowns she knew she could put on by herself, Sarah quickly dressed.

As she pulled on a a pair of boots, Jareth walked back into the bedroom. Just from his face she knew the worst had happened.

"What's happened?"

Jareth sighed. "They've finally made a move."

"The Palace?"

"Yes, but they haven't taken it. The troops are still holding out."

Sarah nodded. "So what do we do now?"

"I need to bring the Wiseman and a guest at his home here." He took a deep breath, and then a moment later spoke again. "Then I'll be going to the Palace."

"What do I need to do?" Sarah steeled herself.

"The Wiseman's guest is recovering from an aciddent. I'll need you to watch over him."

Sarah nodded again. "All right, anything else?"

Jareth walked over to her and smiled sadly at her. "Keep this place running without me."

Sarah smiled softy. "I'll do my best."

"Vivienne's remaining here. She'll help with anything you don't know. Also, ask Elwyn for help, too."

"Okay." She glanced at the windows. "I better go check on Toby."

Jareth nodded. "I'll send your friends to you. Keep them close." He then conjured a crystal. "I'll send what updates I can."

Sarah sighed. "Stop stalling and get going. We can't let them win."

Kissing her cheek quickly, Jareth smiled. "I love you, Sarah."

"And I love you. Now get going." Sarah almost groaned.

Jareth tossed the crystal into the air, still smiling. "I finally got to hear you say it."

Sarah shook her head as he disappeared in a shower of glitter. She then made her way to Toby's room. Even though the War was now officially on, she still had to be sure her brother was taken care of.

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