New Boy:

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As my best friend Caylynne and I walk into the class we are greeted by her boyfriend Louis and his friends Niall, Zayn, and my brother Liam. Louis greets Caylynne with a big kiss. Niall says " Get a ROOM"! I just laugh and sit down by Zayn.

Class begins and chatter starts to grow. Liam whispers to me and ask "Hey did you see that new kid?" I shake my head no and look at the board. When the door opens everyone goes quiet. The principle walks in with a boy who's dressed in a purple Jack Wills hoodie and some black tight jeans. All the girls sigh when he walks in. He looks at me and smiles then turns away. Zayn gives him a look and Liam says "Sis I think he likes you". I smack him and glare.

*Bell Rings*

As I walk towards the door I realize I forgot my pencil. I said "I'll catch up with y'all later" and walk to my desk. I soon run into the new boy. His smile could light up a dark building. He says "Hey, I'm Harry I'm new". I just look at him and says "Yeah I figured." and I walk away. Harry chased after me, stops in front of me and says "Wait what's your name?" I just pushed past him and I meet up with Zayn. Harry follows me and says "Hey I'm talking to you" he pulls my shoulder, Zayn stops short and glares. "What's your deal dude?" says Zayn angrily. Harry just shakes his head and goes to the bathroom.

I get on the bus and I go to the back, I then see a head in my seat. I look and see Harry. I huff and sit and i move him over. He just looks at me and moves over more. As everyone starts to pile onto the bus Zayn sees Harry and I in the seat together. He goes back and sits in the seat next to us. Caylynne gets on with the rest of the boys. I look at Harry and says "Hey, my names Nicole. sorry about earlier". Harry looks at me with shock.

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