Chapter TwentyTwo

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"When are you gonna tell her?" I asked.

Nathan shrugged and closed his locker, releasing a pent-up sigh. It was the end of another long work shift, and we were in the middle of closing the store when he'd decided to tell me about his feelings for Stacey. It didn't come as a surprise, everyone could see that they liked each other, but they were too slow to realise it for themselves.

I pulled my hoodie on and slung my duffel bag over my shoulder as we left the staff room. "What do you mean you don't know?"

Nathan scoffed. "There's no point, bro. I already know how she feels."

"How do you know? Has she told you?"

"Nah, but I can just tell."

I laughed at that. This is why we're the inferior gender, we assume things without confirmation and just run with it. Although Ree hadn't explicitly said she liked me, her actions showed that she did, so it was enough to go by.

Stacey and Nathan had a similar relationship, but Nathan was too worried about what he thinks could happen between them instead of just going with the flow.

"You never know unless you try, fam," I said with a shrug.

Nathan hummed. "Talking from experience yeah?"


We left Footlocker and Nathan dragged the shutters down then used his keys to lock it in place. Then we continued down the high street.

"Oh yeah, it's your birthday tomorrow, init?"

I glanced at Nathan, surprised he remembered such a small detail. "Yeah."

"What are you doing for it?"


Nathan laughed. "At least you have the day off. Enjoy it, fam."

"Trust me. Thanks, man."

Once we reached the bus stop, Nathan kissed his teeth and brought his phone out of his pocket. "Fuck it, I'm gonna call her."

I laughed at his sudden determination. "That's more like it. Get your girl." I checked the time on my watch and frowned. "I'm gonna bounce. I'll catch you later, yeah?"

"Safe, g." We spudded fists and I crossed the road to the bus stop heading the opposite direction. Time was getting on and I didn't even realise.

Once I was on the bus, I checked the time. It was coming up to 6pm. I'd promised Ree I would see aunt Tanisha, and I intended to stick to that promise.

I peered out the window, feeling angry yet helpless, unsure of how to handle the emotions bubbling inside me. The truth was, I was petrified. I didn't handle death well—not when it was my loved ones, anyway—so the knowledge that my auntie was close to taking her last breath weighed on me heavily. And what do I do instead of making sure I spent enough time with her as possible? I stay far away. Because then I don't have to face the reality of it.

How fucking stupid.

Rebecca was right all along; I just needed to suck it up and come to terms with it. The sooner I can do that, the sooner I can work on grieving and being there for my mum.

I took a deep breath and called uncle Trey.

He answered straight away. "Hello?"

"Hi uncle. It's me."

He sounded surprised. "Kayden? Haven't seen you in ages. What've you been up to?"

"How is she?"

He sighed, cutting out the small talk entirely. "Holding on."

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