Chapter TwentyThree

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I woke up with a migraine the next day. The only thing I remembered was getting home and smoking the fattest blunt. Everything else was a blur after that.

I sat up and rubbed my tired eyes. They felt sore and were probably bloodshot, but I couldn't afford to go back to sleep.

My phone vibrated. I checked to see well over 40 messages from friends and loved ones, all wishing me a happy birthday. As blessed as I felt, today was bittersweet. Aunt Tanisha had told me to celebrate today, and that was what I planned to do, even if I didn't want to.

I slipped out of bed and went to my drawer. I opened the first one, took out some rizla, crow and tobacco, and started rolling it by the windowsill. It was something I did most mornings to prepare it for the evening.

My phone vibrated again. I looked at the name and answered.

"Hi Ree."

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kaydennnnn," she took a deep inhale, "happy birthday to you!"

I smiled. "Thanks, baby. Might need to work on your voice a bit, though."

"Shut up. I already decided I'll be nice to you today, so don't push it."

I fiddled with my fresh roll up and peered out the window. The sky was overcast, it looked like it would be a miserable day, but I couldn't let that stop me. Aunt Tanisha's words rang in my ears.

"I need you to enjoy yourself tomorrow. Make sure you do something to commemorate this milestone. Life is short and it'll hit you when you least expect it. So, promise me you'll celebrate as much as you can..."

"Kayden?" I could hear the worry in Rebecca's voice.

"I'm here."

"What are you doing?"

"Just woke up."

She sighed. "It's nearly 12."

"I had a late night." I fiddled with my lighter on the windowsill, brushing my thumb over the roller. I was tempted to smoke right now, ease my worries a bit, but I didn't want to feel sluggish before my day had even begun. "You coming round today?"

"That's the plan. I finish at half four."

I hummed. "Wear something nice for me."

"I'll keep my Footlocker shirt on."

I imagined Rebecca in that shirt and nothing else, sauntering towards me with her hips swaying.

"Or you could wear that lingerie again," I said. She fell silent for a moment; I could tell she was blushing.

"I'm never wearing that again."

"It's my birthday, Ree."

"Don't worry, I'll give you eighteen slaps."

That made me laugh. "How's work?"

"It's boring. Stacey's not here so Mo's covering. Not much going on."

"Just think about how you'll please me later. That should pass the time."

She scoffed. "Anyway, I'll see you later."

"Yeah, bye." She hung up and I threw my phone down. It kept vibrating with new messages. I wasn't in the right mind frame to respond to anyone just yet. I placed the zoot in my top drawer and decided to start my day.

I headed downstairs to the kitchen where I could hear music and chatter. Everyone was sat at the table, and they all smiled as I entered.

"You've finally risen. Happy birthday!" Mum was on me in an instant, hugging me and kissing my cheek repeatedly—something she did to tease me when I was younger. "You're a big man now, I'm proud of you."

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