Chapter Twenty-Two: The Color Red

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Red is a color.

 The color of the heart.

The color of roses.

The color of a certain Prussian's eyes. 

And... Its the color of blood. So crimson and dark.



Matthew screamed out in complete horror as he watched his love fall to the ground. Gilbert was clutching his sides a with any strength he could conjure, as the white snow beneath him turned to a crimson red. 

For any nation this would mean nothing but, this was Gilbert. He only has a chance.

In a painful state of panic Matthew spoke in shambolic words. He tried to get out all he wanted to say at once. All mushed together Matthew said in tears, "Please no, I love you, I-it's going to be okay. I-I...."

Matthew lost focus of the world around them. Gilbert mustered out words trying to calm his love. Things like 'It's going to be okay.', 'Don't worry.' and most importantly, 'Ich liebe dich.' He did what he could to speak through the pain.

They didn't see but Carlos loomed overhead with a grotesque grin plastering his face. He held his knife at an angel in which he could strike with the hilt. The plan of our antagonist was to knock Matthew out and kidnap him, while leaving Gilbert there to bleed out to death in the snow. And he was sure that he completed one of those goals. 

He was just about to strike the Canadian in the head when a sudden clang noise sounded out. Matthew looked behind him at the Cuban nation filled with worry and fear. However, all he saw was Carlos drop to the ground beside them completely unconscious. Elizabeta held her infamous frying pan in hand. More than apparent that she had been the one to knock Carlos out, and it wasn't that hard. Anyone could testify that she is strong. 

As quickly as they could she and Matthew tied Carlos up so no more harm could be done, even if he was out cold right now. Amazingly they just used rope that Carlos had with him. Probably to originally be used on Matthew if things went Carlos' way. But Ironically the tables turned and Carlos was tied up. 

As soon as that was done with they turned all their attention to Gilbert, whom was still bleeding. He needed immediate help. Elizabeta did what she could to cover the wound and stop it from getting worse. While she did this Matthew got in content with Ludwig to let him know to what happened and to get back asap. By the time he finished the call he was already back by Gilbert's side.

Gilbert was still conscious and trying to keep his consciousness. He reached his hand out for a moment to caress his lovers face. He wanted to focus his world around the Canadian and nothing else. But the pain did overtake him, Matthew watched as those crimson eyes that he loved more than anything close. He panicked holding Gilbert's hand not wanting to ever let go. 

Relief rushed him instantly when he saw the Prussian's chest rise up and down indicating breathing. 

Elizabeta finished wrapping that large wound that stained the Prussian nation. Now she was just touching up little scrapes and cuts he had. She did what she could until they could get Gilbert to a hospital and actual professional medical help. Looking up at Matthew she could read nothing but fear and worry on his face, She didn't blame him at all with what was happening. Regardless she tried to reassure him. "Matthew, I'm no doctor but from the looks of things he'll be okay. As soon as we get him to an actually doctor Gilbert will be better in no time at all."

Matthew gave her a grateful look, after all she had helped them so much. "Elizabeta I have to thank you, you've saved Gilbert and I. I'm truly grateful for what you've done."  Elizabeta returned a sincere smile and shook her head," There is no need to thank me at all. After the last time I saw you two I overwhelmed my own feelings and I wasn't a good person towards you two. In all honesty that's the reason why I came here in the first place. To make amends for what happened." 

Matthew took in what she had to say, understanding completely what she meant. " Well you've definitely helped us more than you'll ever know, and I'll always be grateful for it. Also as for making amends, I know that I would rather have you as a friend than an enemy. you are more than forgiven." They both gave each other a soft smile. 

"You know... I owe Gilbert my life. Once a long time ago I was gravely injured after a battle. I was stubborn and didn't want his help at first but, thanks to him being equally as stubborn he helped me." Elizabeta said looking at the Prussian whom was heavily breathing in his sleep. Matthew gave Gil's hand a squeeze as he listened and spoke, " Yeah, he can be an idiot sometimes but, his heart is always in the right place. You can't help but love him no matter what." They both gave off a small laugh over their relationship with the Prussian.

"Well Matthew, let me tell you... You have yourself quiet an awesome man by your side."

Matthew look solemnly at Gilbert's face in silence before smiling and whispering, "Yes... I do."

Not too long after Ludwig arrived home in a frantic state. Obviously concerned for his Big brother's well-being. Seeing Gilbert the way he was almost brought the Germanic Nation to tears. Nonetheless, He kept strong and they safely brought Gil to a hospital to get actual medical help. While they waited for the doctors to do their work Ludwig had Carlos brought to justice. Getting in contact with Carlos' boss, explaining what happened. They received nothing but Apologies for the irresponsibility of the Cuban government. Also made aware since the actions of Carlos was purely him and not the actions of people of his nation. There will be absolutely no affect or consequences towards the Cuban people.

Upon hours later they got word from the hospital that Gilbert was now resting and could be visited. Elizabeta decided she should get back to her own country, more that she felt she wasn't needed there anymore, so that left Matthew and Ludwig to visit themselves. At the time Matthew sat at Gilbert's side like before they got to hospital, holding his hand. Ludwig was speaking to the doctor to get any news that the two should know. Most importantly, the recovery time.

Ludwig walked into the room his face wasn't clear enough to read for the difference between good or bad news. It made Matthew worry. That seemed to be the only emotion the Canadian could feel constantly. What was most important is Ludwig decided to tell Matthew what exactly what's going on, he deserves to know.   

He first explained the things to catch Matthew up to the full truth, How Gilbert knew that Carlos was here and why he kept it hidden from the Canadian. 

"I understand why, I appreciate him trying to keep me safe but I want to be told next time there's a crazy man stalking us."

"Ja, I'll be sure to tell you if he won't. Now as for the damage, The only thing that really concerned the Doctors was the stab wound. Carlos managed to slice his lower left internals. This could normal cause a person to die and a Nation to walk on fine but, for Gilbert he will have to Suffer through a frustrating recovery to walk on again. Things will be very difficult for him until he is 100%." 

Matthew grip tightened a bit on the Prussian's hands. He was worried for him as always, Did Gil know this might happen from the moment Carlos showed up? "Well I'll be there with him for every step of the way. No doubt about it" 

Ludwig gave his really soft small smile but changed instantly back to his serious one. "Yes but, we do have the serious issue at hand. It needs to be discussed of what to do with Carlos. Be aware that he acted on his own actions so his people aren't facing any consequences. But since we have such a close relationship with Gil, i want to call a G8 meeting to get a clear action. What do you think?"

"I agree with this, I wouldn't even know what to do."  

The German nation left the room to send word to the other nations in the G8. This left the Canadian and Prussian alone to each other. Just them in a silent room, despite the the occasional noise of Gil sleeping and the hospital machines beeping on a pattern. 

Matt begun to think to him self about the meeting. 

'A G8 meeting.... This is going to be an interesting one.'

Okay quick little A/N

So this chapter came out earlier than usual. Thats because with the previous chapter I want to give you guys the full thing with suspended wait but not a months time... If that makes sense..

Any way dont expect chapters that fast again.

-Francis V.S.

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