Chapter Four: A Non-Magical Wedding

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Third person:

A wedding day. Bells rings and smile are always to be found. A memorable day to cherish forever.
Not today. All the countries would have to sit threw a wedding thst nobody wanted.
It wouldn't be the magically day each person hoped for.

Matthew didn't feel ready to walk down the aisle
Gilbert didn't want to be stand at the end of that aisle
The anticipation for this to end is as much as it is for this to start.


"Mathieu? Are you alright?", asked the Frenchman who was helping Matthew get ready. ".....papa...I guess I'm nervous...scared?... I'm aboot to marry someone I barley know.", Whimpered out the Canadian groom.
Seeing Matthew upset like this made Francis' Fatherly(Motherly?) Like instincts kick in. Giving Matthew a hug he comforted him, "Ah, Mathieu do not worry. Gilbert is a good man I assure you. I promise."
"O-okay Papa...*sigh* I ready whenever everyone else is ready.",confirmed the Canadian.


The music started up. Gilbert stood uncomfortably at the end of the aisle fiddling with his tie, aside him was Ludwig and Antonio as his best men. Francis couldn't join them because he had to be there for Matthew.

Everyone stood up and looked at the doors where first walked in Alfred and Carlos(Cuba) as Matthew's best men. Following him was Matthew dressed in his suite and tie holding a small bouquet of maple leaves. Walking besides him was Francis, of course, playing the fatherly role for him.
When they reached the end Francis shook Gilberts hand then proceed to sit down. Alfred and Carlos stood at the bottom of the steps respectively. Matthew walked up the few alter steps, taking Gilbert's hand.
Gilbert gave a small smile to Matthew, almodt a way to say it'll be alright. Matthew returned the smile feeling a little calmer than before.
The ceremony begun, as everyone sits down, The music fades out and the priest spoke up.
"We're all gathered here today to witness the marriage of Gilbert Beilschmidt and Matthew Williams."
Everyone shifted a little bit in the chairs uncomfortably.
"Now, yes I do know this marriage was not from the most lovely event. However, we can only hope that God can guide them to be happy and Relive how uncomfortable everyone looks."
A few chuckled at the priests joke. Not a lot but some.
"Continuing on, Do either of the grooms have vows they would like to say?"

Gilbert spoke up first. "Ja, I have mine.
Matthew, I don't jou zhat much. However, from Vhat I do know about jou, jou seem like an awesome person maybe even more awesome zhen me."
Matthew was next also with a short vow," Gilbert.. I was never the most noticeable person and I'm not the loudest person but, I will make sure I get to know you well. I admire that you have the confidence to be the way you are and even though it will be weird living with you, I think you're awesome."
Finishing their vows the priest continued the ceremony. Speaking on until they reached the final part.
"If anyone has any reason to object to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace..."

Everyone stayed respectfully quite. Not for the fact that they all supported this marrgie but mostly for the fact that if they do it'll be world war three.
"Alright then.
Gilbert Beilschmidt, do you take Matthew Williams as your lawfully wedded husband, In sickness and death."
Gilbert hesitated to a moment before nodding while saying "I do."
the priest proceed to ask Matthew the same, "And Matthew Williams, do you take Gilbert Beilschmidt as your lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and death?"
As expected, the shy groom let out a soft quite, "I do." That thankfully could be heard by everyone.
"You may now kiss the groom..."  The priest announced.
Everyone held their breathe. Matthew and Gilbert didn't even think about the kiss.

Hesitating, Gilbert mouthed the words 'jou don't have do do zhis if jou don't vant zo.' to Mathew.
Matthew was happy that Gilbert wasn't going to make him but what else could they do? So Matthew worded back 'Thank you but do it.'
So Gilbert took a silent yet sharp breathe in slowly leaning in, Matthew also slowly leaned in so Gilbert wouldn't look like a jerk that kissed Matthew when he didn't want to.

As they got closer you can hear most of the countries that know them personally cringe slightly. But it got worse when their lips finally connected.
Matthew froze as soon as he felt the Prussian's lips against his own.
Gilbert on the other hand started to freak out mentally feeling the Canadian's soft lips against his. Pulling back immediately after a moment passed.
Awkward clapping filled the room and everyone finally let out the breath they we're holding. Matthew snapped out the little freeze he was in and went with Gilbert back down the aisle and out the doors where a car waited for them to take them home.

No banquet party was to be held. Prussia and Canada agreeded that there was no wedding party needed when they already had a bachelor's party.
Going would have made it more awkward then things were already. So this was for the better.
On a settle agreement where they would live was at Canada's house. The factors being Matthew's country technically existed more than Prussia and Francis refuse to let Matthew live at Prussia's house in Germany.

The car pulled up in front of the house, dropping the newly weds off. Gilbert broke the small silence as they walked in, "ah... vell home sveet home.... I guess."
Matthew didn't know how to reply so he just gave a nod of agreement to the Prussian.

Then that question came up. "Vhere am I going zo sleep?"
That was another thing both of them haven't thought about until now. And wanting to avoid sleeping together matthew remembered. "I have a guest room you can have. Its not much but it's a room."
"Alright. Lead zhe way Birdie."
As matthew led Gilbert to his new room he questioned the nickname," why Birdie?"
"Vell, vhen I first got zo knov jou, jou showed zhe awesome me jour favorite place vith a lot of birds. So I call you birdie.", the Prussian explained.
"Oh.. Okay.  Well this is it."  The Canadian said presenting the room.
Gilbert smiled and said," it's perfect. Gute Nacht."

The Prussian plopped down onto his new bed letting the world around slip away into a dream land. Not aware of the days a head of him as a husband.

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